Chapter 76

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       "Can someone explain to me, why the frick the floor looks like this?!"
     China heard North Korea's angry yell from upstairs in the dormitory building, even though he was outside. He looked up and then back at his book, waiting for North to get an answer and then the inevitable response of a missile launcher.
     He could see in his mind Japan and South Korea sweating bullets in front of North's rage. Flipping a page he heard an explosion. The window shattered. Glass pieces showered down next to him, falling harmlessly to the floor.
     He glanced down for a moment and then up again. Then returned to his book. For particular reasons he wasn't going to go upstairs...
      Moments later Japan and South were slouching down the stairs with big bandages covering their faces. When China looked he saw North still pissed. Of course he was.
     It'd been a while since it was just the four of them.
     "Uuuuugh, North you didn't have to be so brutal,"South complained, rubbing his sore face.
       North didn't look regretful.
Japan had waterfall tears from her eyes.
     China took in this entire sight without a second glance.
     "So, you called me over for what exactly,"China said, as he recalled Japan calling him earlier to get over to the dormitories. He didn't bother asking what for. If she wanted to keep it a secret, she'd tell once he'd get there.  
    "Soooo,"Japan said, South perked up. It was obvious he had no clue what was going on.
    "I decided that we should have a picnic!"
     Recess really had to be 2 hours huh UN?
"That sounds great!"South said, ignoring his wounds from before.
     North rolled his eye in annoyance.
There was hardly any arguing, thankfully, between North and Japan. The argument only lasted like 10 minutes.
     When Japan whipped out a picnic basket, North knew she was deadset in having this picnic. He groaned in irritation but didn't speak.
   He facepalmed.
China was waiting for the argument to be over when Qing suddenly joined him via flying.
    The Dragon flew over and stood besides him, looking like a disappointed adult who discovered their child got only an A on a math test.
    "But we never agreed to this!"North argued. Japan was stubborn.
     "Too bad. You're coming whether you like it or not!"
     North replied with, "No."
Japan can have her picnic all right, but that didn't mean that North was going to join.
    Japan then turned to China.
"You're coming aren't you?"
      China saw North's annoyed face and sensed exasperation radiating from him. Then turned his eye to Japan who had a pleading look on her face. It was an awkward situation.
    Him just standing there trying to read while Japan wanted him to join a picnic with North standing opposite and South in between.
     "I'll see if I have the time."
The answer was truthful. He intended to see how Russia was doing. He expected it to take some time. Well, not completely two hours. But he did have training to do.
   Boring, right? Well, to the others. He didn't say all these thoughts out loud.
    Japan's ears drooped.
      China couldn't say yes or no. It wasn't like he knew the future, after all the future is pretty uncertain at times. They weren't going to try to convince him anymore anyways.
      "Sometimes, you're so weird,"South joked lightheartedly. North glared at South.
     After South apologized while weeping over a big bruise that North gave him over that statement, China excused himself and left.
     "Huh, I wonder why he always acts like that,"Japan said, sounding curious and turned to North.
      "Don't look at me,"the Korean answered, trying to hide his visible confusion over China's recent behavior.
     North worried over Russia already, now there was China. But he had lesser worries on him because he seemed more stable at the moment.
    Probably for the millionth time in his life, he thought, what the heck was going on?

     Russia had so much build-up stress. He was tired. Sleep-deprived through nightmares. His mental stability seemed to be decreasing. And yet...
     Here he was, with Belarus, sitting on grass. Oh, and with Canada, Australia, America and New Zealand.
    Belarus had immediately tracked him after class ended so he couldn't get away. She must've been afraid that he wouldn't come. Belarus was right to be, Russia had no intention of coming. Heck, he never even agreed in the first place. But Belarus was persistent.
     "Ukraine's coming too,"Canada said, putting his phone away. Russia could feel his eyes on him as if observing his reaction to this news.
     Russia dutifully ignored the stare(s).
Belarus didn't seem worried. He sat away from the four siblings who were at his left and closer to Belarus.
      Why couldn't he have gone with his friends instead?
      There was a slightly tense atmosphere as the six waited. Belarus sitting there, blinking innocently and nervously.
    "Sooo..."Belarus started, trying to start a conversation. "How's everyone?"
     Russia looked at Belarus without turning his head. Was she for real?
    He had double question marks above his head.
      "I'm just great,"America said sarcastically. He had assumed that since Russia hadn't agreed to come that he wouldn't be there. Yet, here he was. "I would be absolutely perfect if a certain someone just went off and hung around with his usual group of Commie friends."
      Australia and New Zealand stared at America with mouths agape.
     Canada elbowed America for being rude.
     "Shut the frick up Ame,"Canada said, as America yelped in pain.
    Belarus chuckled nervously, eyes darting to Russia who ignored the snide comment.
      "Hehe, actually, I brought him along,"Belarus said. America's eyes widened.
     "Are you crazy?"America exclaimed. "What were-"
     New Zealand elbowed him.
      "Chill, it's a picnic!"New Zealand said, then turned to Belarus. "I am so so sorry for my brother's imprudent and stupid behavior."
    Australia laughed out loud. Canada snickered.
    America rubbed his stomach where both of his brothers elbowed him.
      Russia wanted to let out an exasperated sigh. But then America would call it "condescending" and he really didn't want to put up with America's crap right now. Not to mention that Ukraine would be coming any moment and he'd have to deal with two countries who hated his guts. Was it any wonder that he didn't want to be here, out in this slightly sunny and cloudy day?
     Belarus let out an awkward laugh.
"Ehm, it's ok,"she replied to New Zealand's apology.
     Just as she said those words Russia heard nearby footsteps. Ukraine had arrived and her earlier smile turned to displeasure as she saw who else was there.
      However, she did not say a word and plopped herself besides Canada, pressing closer to him and otherwise, ignoring Russia completely.
     Belarus offered sandwiches to lessen the tension which seemed to have increased by 200%. Russia declined.
    America, however, said, "Don't mind if I do!" And took his, thanking her. Canada got two, one for himself and for Ukraine. Australia declined as well, saying he already ate. What a chad.
     Actually, not really. He wanted to see New Zealand's expression.
     Of course, NZ was blushing as he accepted the sandwich.
    Belarus seemed to blush as well, fortunately for her, her flag was more red than green so it was hard to tell.
    Russia wanted to leave so badly, Belarus would be pretty upset though. So he stayed put, even as every inch of his body wanted him to get out of the awkward situation right now. Unfortunately, his mind was too muddled to come up with an excuse to leave.
     He avoided eye contact with all of them. Staring across the ocean in the horizon. The grassy hill that sloped gently downward waved with friendly blades of grass. Then a cliff. Waves crashed against the rocks beneath. Salty air mixed with dew and damp soil.
      Their voices were mixed together in a jumble of noises to him. Someone's laugh rang out in the distance.
      Russia sat still, remembering the Dark night. The Dark night was the night dubbed by other countries when the mysterious creatures flew in the sky, covering the moon and stars. The night when National Animals were snatched away.
      This was the same cliff where Ukraine's Nightingale was stolen.
    Russia didn't look at Ukraine. She seemed to be content, but he knew inside she was tearing up over the loss. Was it really his fault when the bird was already out of reach?
     No, stop. Stop. Stop being depressing.
It was a nice day. No depressing thoughts.
     He really, really wanted to leave though. He felt Ukraine's occasional stare, glancing at him. Not wanting to make the mistake of eye contact with her he kept his focus away.
     Belarus noticed this.
"So Ukraine, today's a nice day, isn't it?"Belarus said.
    "Yes, it is,"hearing her voice was like hearing the voice of a stranger. Maybe he was being rude for having that opinion, but he couldn't help it.
     He could feel Ukraine staring at him.
Russia didn't know what made him do it but he suddenly got up.
    "I'm going,"he said, Belarus looked slightly surprised at his sudden decision.
    "What? But we just started,"Belarus protested.
    "Yeah, no. See you later."
He walked off.
     He wasn't even wanted there. The only one who did want him there was Bela, but other than that, no one.
     He went in the direction of the forest, where his friends often met. The familiar sight of them set his heart at little ease. At least they understood him in a way. All of them were hardly wanted by anyone else.
     "Hey Russia!"India waved, grinning.
Iran and Iraq were wrestling on the grass, laughing like idiots.
     Cuba facepalmed while Laos recorded everything. Vietnam hung upside down from a nearby tree and waved as well.
    Russia sat himself underneath said tree and asked, "Where's North and China?"
     Vietnam answered, "I overheard Japan. There was suppose to be a picnic or something. Although I doubt the both of them would go if they could help it. North might get dragged into it, but it'd be pretty disbelieving if they manage to convince China to come if he didn't want to."
     Cambodia was on a branch above Vietnam on the opposite side of the trunk. Russia hadn't spotted him earlier.
    "True, but if I know anything about North, it's that he's as stubborn as his twin, maybe even more,"Cambodia chuckled, leaning against the tree trunk.
     Vietnam crossed his arms, upside down almost resembling a bat. "I bet I'm more stubborn than the both of them combined."
     At that moment, Iraq and Iran stopped in their play fight and turned their heads slowly at Vietnam's direction.
    "You know what, I take back what I said, these three idiots over there are probably more stubborn than me,"Vietnam rolled his eyes in sarcasm.
     Iran and Iraq nodded. Then went back to fighting each other.
    Russia could only relax around them. He felt like a stiff piece of cardboard around the countries he deemed unfamiliar. He leaned back.
     Guess he had a better relationship with his friends than his own family.
     After about ten minutes someone came sprinting at their direction.  
     "Thank whatever entity is out there that you guys are here!"North said, stopping and bending over. "That demon from hell won't stop pestering me over that stupid picnic!"
     When China joined them, he looked at North.   
     "Your response was a bit hasty,"China remarked, as North flopped to the grass, out of breath. The Korean's answer was muffled.
     China, having walked over, just went around the Academy building to avoid Japan and South, not needing to unnecessarily exert energy in the situation. Plus, he already completed his daily training routine.
     "Man North, why can't you be as sophisticated as him,"Laos joked.
     North lifted his face from the grass.
"Says the one recording their two friends fighting on the grass like an average American."
North got up, dusting grass off his hands and looked at China.   
     "I've got to say that my response was absolutely necessary in my case. South wouldn't chase you, but he'd chase me as if I'd stolen his last jar of kimchi."
      Laos held back a laugh at that statement.
     "More likely he'd set fire to your last bits of sanity,"Vietnam pointed out. North grumbled a "I would like to see him try" and looked behind him in case to see South or Japan chasing him again.
      Laos caught this look and wisely did not make a comment about it. He put his phone away and turned to Cuba, talking about something.
    Cuba watched all of this with a neutral expression.
      This time would've been normal, like all the other times. But Russia didn't think so. The atmosphere felt less friendly than the first few months they've been here. As if whatever was hiding in the forest was growing stronger. Russia placed a hand at the side of his head. What if, somehow, the person on his mind was connected to whatever was in those mass of trees? It definitely felt like it.
     Why did everything have to be so complicated...
     China looked to him and went over.
"You all right?"He leaned against the tree and gave Russia a curious stare that fortunately did not last long. Also, he was grateful that China didn't say this out loud but in a low tone so the others didn't hear.  
      "Not really to be honest,"Russia answered, feeling the rough bark of the tree with his hand near the roots. Rough as his life. He found the thought slightly amusing. The tree was rough outside and smooth in the inside.
     For him, everything was rough outwardly and inwardly.
     "You know, the others think it's just the situation between you and Ukraine,"China said, looking back at the forest. He didn't need to say that only the both of them knew it was just more than that.

     Russia was about to respond when he heard scoffing and a thud.
     He was so busy talking with China that he didn't know what was going on until he saw something that finally set him off.
     Russia immediately got up once he saw Laos on the grass.
    "Knock it off!"India shoved another country away from him. "What's your problem?!"
     "What's my problem? My problem is the fact that you're associated with freaks!"the country retorted, shoving India back.
    Now Russia saw them, a group of opposing countries. He couldn't count how many, but about 10 he guessed. He recognized none. He could tell they were furious though. He got up and walked over to confront them.
    "If we are freaks you should probably stay away from us,"India snapped back, seeming ready to launch himself to attack.
     China went over to Laos and helped him up as Vietnam jumped down, irritated and cracking his knuckles in a subtle manner.
    Laos winced and Russia realized that he took a rough beating before being thrown to the ground. Since he saw no current wounds on the enemies he guessed they caught him by surprise.
    "You're the cowards from before!"Vietnam exclaimed angrily, "you freaking jumped us!"
     "It's called an "ambush" you weirdo,"another country sniffed.
    What? Russia glared at them.
"I don't care what you call it!"Cuba thrust himself forward. "It was a sneak attack and dishonorable!"
     "You're one to talk about dishonor when you support him!"the lead country sneered, pointing at Russia.
     "The same can be said about your friends, following a coward,"Cambodia narrowed his eyes, all the innocence gone and hostility in his tone.
    He jumped down.
They stood side by side, mirroring the other countries who obviously outnumbered them.
     China supported Laos until he healed. Laos glared at the other side, standing on his own and giving China a grateful nod.
    Iran, Iraq and India were hard-core staring at another band of three.
    "What the hell do you want?"Russia said coldly, as North Korea looked ready to punch another country's face.   
     In all honesty, the other country looked like he was gonna scamper away.
     "To challenge you to a Countryhumans Duel,"he said, looking at Russia with a smug expression. Russia felt like forming an ice slab to reflect that so the other country could see how stupid he looked.
   "So, let me get this straight,"Vietnam said, eyes glinting. "You come over here, do some weird rollercoaster kick on our friend here to issue a Duel?" He laughed. "Do you know how stupid that is?"
     They didn't answer.
"A Duel then?"Russia thought, he looked at the others. 
     "You don't need to accept Russia,"Iraq said, snapping an aggressive look at a country that came too close. "You don't have to fight scum like them."
     "Scum?! How dare you!"another one said.
    "Oh yeah, how about we keep on challenging you everyday until you accept?"the lead country said.
    "Then we expect you to keep crawling back for a re-Duel once he beats you,"Iran snapped. "Shut up and leave already!"
      Russia didn't like where this was going.
     "You already challenge the rest of us!"North said. He grinned. "How'd it feel when I burned you with Nuclear Hell?"
    One or two countries flinched, Russia couldn't tell, he was too busy staring down the hateful crowd.
     China left Laos with Vietnam and went over.   
     "Odd, none of them ever thought of challenging me,"he said lowly to Russia, who had to stop himself from openly scorning them.
    The one who led the gang narrowed their eyes. "What's your answer?"
     Russia looked at Iran, Iraq and India. They were for him not wasting his time.
    Vietnam, North, Cuba and Laos were for fighting.
     "They're right,"Russia said to China. "I shouldn't be wasting time fighting them." Then he thought back to the possibility that they wouldn't stop attacking his friends if he refused. China must've came to the same conclusion.
    "If I win, you better leave us alone then,"Russia answered, his eyes full of coldness.
     The other country hesitated.
"Fine then. After school."

    Russia let loose a sigh as India lectured him.   
     "Russia, your noble sentiments are good and all, but you don't have to go on fighting other countries for our sakes. We can take care of ourselves just fine!"
    "Well yeah, but it's a bother when we shouldn't have to,"Cuba said. "They are sneaks, not facing us openly. If I were Russia, I'd take the chance to end it."
    Russia turned to China.
"Do you think I did the logical thing of accepting?"
  China shrugged. "Maybe, but I can say this. If you lose, things will get worse. But that's unlikely."
     "It's a shame they don't challenge China,"Irag sighed. "It'd be nice to see them getting beat in seconds."
     "Pretty gruesome though,"Iran pointed out. Then tilted his head. "Not that they don't deserve it."
     Russia waited till the last few minutes of recess ended. When the distant bell rang, he followed his friends back. How would Belarus respond to this once she found out?

    As everyone at the Academy turned to look at him, it seemed that the news had already spread.

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