Chapter 3

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     "Long time no see my friend,"UN smiled, as the other organizations (except BRICS) stared at the organization that fixed the door that was smashed down.
    "Really dramatic entrance,"EU commented.
"Shut up,"ASEAN said.
     "FBI, haven't seen you in a while,"UNICEF said.
"Same to you,"FBI replied. "Anyways, why'd you call?"
     "Well, two reasons. One, to throw EU out the window and two, dump him in a volcano,"ASEAN said.
     "Haha, wait, what,"EU snapped to look at ASEAN.
"Actually, one we want to patrol the area to make sure it is safe enough for us to do activities near the forest,"UNICEF answered correctly while ASEAN and EU scuffled behind her with BRICS just watching. "And second, making the relationships between the countries better."
   FBI nodded. "That's cool and all, but how about fixing EU and ASEAN's relationship?" 
     "Impossible,"UNICEF sighed.
"Ok,"FBI said, prying the two fighting organizations apart. "Stop your yammering. Anyway, how do you guys suppose we start? "
     "Hmm, maybe we can talk with each individual and ask what problems they have with one another,"AU suggested.
      "Or we make an anonymous survey!"EU suddenly exclaimed.
      "How anonymous?"UN asked.
"We just leave a form out, and casually ask them how personal the relationships are, and if they aren't too personal we can talk with those kind of countries first."
     "For once you're thinking,"UNICEF nodded approvingly. "But how? Won't some of them suspect something and share with the others about the survey?"
     "True,"UN nodded. "Perhaps not a survey. Maybe another way."
      "Remember that fight with North Korea and Martial?"AU asked. The organizations turned to look at him.
     "Obviously, the countries kept on talking about it non-stop,"EU replied.
      "The thing is, we need more of these,"AU said. They stared at him.
     "What do you mean?"UNICEF asked cautiously.
"What I mean is,"AU said, "is that we need more of these fights, not ultra big mind you. But like scuffles, small things like that. It would give us a good reason to talk to them and to ask them why they fight."
     "We aren't gonna make them fight are we?"UNICEF gasped slightly.
   "Of course not!"UN said. "The countries with bad relationships with each other will naturally fight on their own. We just need to be there to prevent it from happening!"
    "We've been trying to do that. But whoever we come around all of a sudden they're all buddy-buddy,"EU said, flicking a lady bug off his wing.
      "Exactly,"UN said. "First off, I think, is that we should make a list of the countries and who they are terribly acquainted with."

      "What are we gonna do with our long vacation?"Iran asked. "We aren't just gonna stay here are we?"
     "Possibly not,"India said, as if yesterday night he hadn't tried to kill someone. "Where'd we go to? The forest?"
    "Maybe,"Iran said slyly, putting his fingers together.
     "Stop, you look stupid,"India said, looking at him. "Yeah, true,"NK nodded.
"Hey!"Iran protested. "I just want some adventure. It's boring here." He lay on his back, staring upward.
      "We know that already. But we can't do anything about it,"India sighed. "Forest is off limits until made safe."
     Russia looked thoughtful. "Maybe we can go underwater and explore there."
     "Ooh, who ever knew the big scary Russian liked to explore under the sea?"Iran joked, earning him a punch by India. "Youch!!"
       "Hey China, what do you think about doing?"Iran asked, after elbowing India back.
     "You already know the answer,"Russia said. "Train from dusk till dawn."
     "Boring,"Iran yawned. "Come on China man, do something interesting for once."
         "It depends on your point of view of what is interesting,"China said.
     "Lets see, diving off a cliff is one-"Iran began, but he got hit in the head by India.
     "That's something stupid! Not interesting,"India scolded.
    "Hey hey!"Iran waved his hands. "I said, diving. Ya hear me? Diving! Not jumping off!"
    "It doesn't make a difference!"India said back.
"Fine, uhm,"Iran backtracked, now thinking. "What about skiing down a volcano?"
     "What the heck Iran?!"India said.
"Fine fine,"Iran sounded annoyed. "Hmm, dive-bombing a rhino!"
     "Use your brain for once,"India smacked his head.
     Iran thought and thought. Then, he finally seemed to make up his mind to end this mindless conversation once and for all.
      "Pushing India off Mount Everest-"
At that India finally tackled him.

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