Chapter 39

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    China being the considerate person he was also sent it to NK who would love to watch it everytime he got the chance to.
When the bell rang it was time for their second class.
     They left the Cafeteria and said their goodbyes, not knowing when they will see each other again-
       As China and Russia went to BRICS' class who did they encounter if not Taiwan? Coincidence? I think not-!
      Russia was confused as he saw Taiwan and China ignore each other and went on their own ways. Before he could ask anything they heard a crash in BRICS' classroom.
       "INDIA'S SNAKE IS LOOSE!!"they heard Brazil shriek. Apparently he was throwing the limited edition- Uh, limited chairs around.
    "WATCH IT!!"India ducked under a thrown table. SA watched the chaos by the sidelines, thinking this is fine.
       Russia and China looked as the chaos ensued even though there were only two of them. Considering that BRICS had only five members it was pretty hard to consider that this Organization could cause destruction.
     BRICS came at the doorway, sighing slightly as he saw Brazil and India yeet things at each other. SA just sat on the ground curled up and praying that none of the dangerously thrown object would hit him. Brazil was ducking as well as searching everywhere for India's evasive snake. India meanwhile was looking for his snake while crazily throwing chairs and tables at Brazil. For some reason-
      "What do we do?"Russia thought to BRICS.
     "I'll take care of this,"BRICS thought back. Then he projected a loud ringing sound in their minds, mostly at India and Brazil.
       "AAAAAAHHHH!!!!"Brazil and India jumped and crashed to the floor. The ringing stopped. China looking unfazed.
      "You guys are done I presume?"BRICS said, walking to the front of the classroom, using magic to place the tables and chairs back into their original areas.
      "Yes BRICS,"Brazil said, looking quite embarrassed. 
       "There's my Snake!"India pointed at the windowsill, where there coiled an emerald-scaled reptile.
       "It was there the whole time?!"South Africa exclaimed, sitting up and going to his seat. He peered at the snake.
     "What's her name?"SA sat down.
"Don't have one for her yet. Just got her,"India answered, letting the snake stay on the windowsill. 
    Brazil, Russia and China took their seats.
     "So this is the subject we will learn today,"BRICS said in boredom, flipping through his packet. "The Countryhumans and the Skryna."
      China and Russia looked at each other, then diverted their attention back to BRICS.

If you don't want to read this then skip until you see the bold word end. I'd recommend reading it though.

       "You all know we had two wars with the Skryna, the third one being one of the shortest and most recent,"BRICS began. Even though he wasn't interested somehow he made it seem interesting to his class which was kind of ironic.
     "This time I will bring about the topic of how we met,"BRICS said, tossing the packet unto the table and began writing on the board while talking and looking at his small class.
     "When we first arrived here, and you all know why..."
      They all did. Pangaea did them like that. Breaking apart.
      "We didn't know anything about the lands,"BRICS said. "Whether the creatures here were hostile or not. Or if the lands were habitable or not."
     "One of the first creatures we met were the Skryna,"BRICS said, clapping his hands once and forming a small hologram of a miniature Skryna. It's all too familiar black scales, spiked tail, blood red eyes and clawed feet made SA feel uncomfortable.
     Brazil nudged him nicely, reminding him that the torture was all in the past. SA smiled gratefully, paying attention to BRICS' next words.
       "We, the Organizations, wanted to negotiate with the Skryna as one of them had attacked EU-"
       "Wait wait wait,"India interrupted. "EU got attacked first? How'd that happen?"
     BRICS answered. "EU had been sent to explore the forest while we explored other regions and apparently he had saw a Skryna. It had spotted him and attacked him from behind. Luckily he wasn't too badly hurt."
      "Wooooow,"Brazil said in awe.
BRICS continued. "So we wanted to make peace with the Skryna to prevent dangers. But they refused. They saw us as intruders on their territory, even though above ground we weren't. They immediately declared war on us at the spot and demanded that we leave. However, we couldn't do that seeing as there were no other available lands yet discovered. We tried reasoning with them but they drove us out of their Meeting Cave and nearly burned us to a crisp. So that is how we had wars with them."

The BRICS members absorbed all this knowledge.
       "And now for homework,"BRICS said, though not getting out any assignment papers but getting out a cardboard box from behind his desk instead. He opened it and placed five different objects on the table.
      The first object was a purple cube with two green swinging hooks. The second was a dark red flat square stone and a circle outline the color of black. The third object was a vial with purple gas in it. The fourth thing was a prism with a floating flower in it and small orbs of water droplets on the lavender petals. Lastly, a crystal shard with a green bead-like object at the top.
      "What,"Brazil said.
BRICS passed them out. The cube floated to Brazil, the square stone to Russia, the vial to India, the prism to China and the crystal shard to South Africa.
       "Solve em, keep em,"BRICS said in a monotone, manifesting the cardboard box away.
       "Are they inventions from the Skryna?"India questioned, holding up the vial and observing the purple gas suspiciously.
     "Yes and don't worry, they're safe,"BRICS said. "Just write down what you've discovered about them and if you want you can improvise in them."
     "Cool!"India said, placing the vial down. "Time to experiment and create beasts unimaginable!" Brazil chuckled.
     "Class dismissed,"BRICS said, teleporting away.
       "Typical BRICS,"SA commented, packing the crystal shard away.
        "Yup, back to his life as a hermit and in solitude,"India joked.



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