Chapter 80

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          North Korea glanced at the downed lights, beside him Martial yawned.  
     "Is this one of your foolish friends' antics?" Martial asked, leaning against the locker.
     North smacked him at his arm.
     The Law held up his hands in a placating sort of manner. Then folded his arms. "Alright alright. Chill."
       The other countries ignored them. They all were too occupied with the blackout.
     "What's going on?"one muttered.
North looked around for his twin. South was nowhere to be seen and he began to feel uneasy. Martial merely shut his eyes and ignored the commotion.
      The hallways were dark and every corner seemed to be growing its shadow. The doors were open.

      They slammed shut.
That caused Martial to look. North Korea watched as other countries absolutely freaked out.
   North thought it was just the wind and turned to look at Martial, who shrugged.
     "What are they all being so scared about?"the country asked.
One of the countries went over the door and began to push at the handle. It didn't budge.
     "We're trapped here!"they exclaimed.
"What about the windows?"another suggested.
     "What a stupid-"Martial began to say, but a country had already started punching the window next to him. He stared at the country who did it with annoyance, the windows didn't shatter though.
    North frowned. "The hell?"
The Law unfolded one of his arms and extended it. A flick of his hand and a golden beam shot out. It smashed against the window and ricocheted off and bounced to the ceiling where it left a smoldering black spot.
    North flinched at that. "Give a warning next time won't you?" He glared.
      "Says the unpredictable dynamite stick,"Martial smirked. Before North could retort others began shouting and causing chaos.
     Martial stood and stretched.
A black blur shot to the floor and upon seeing North Korea, arched it's back and hissed, fur spiking up. The countryhuman jumped back, staring at the all-too familiar black cat.
     "Are you scared of cats?"Martial asked in an inquisitive manner, walking over and leaning forward to see the angry cat.
     "No! I just really dislike that one,"North glared at him, then switched it to the cat."It's been vindictive towards me for some reason."
     The feline hissed even more and stalked away, tail held high. North gave it an irritated stare. It was the same one he had held out in the rain. In his defense, he was surprised. And plus, that was no excuse for the cat to colonize his room with the rest of his cat criminals.

          His eye twitched when he heard Martial laugh, even though it was a lighthearted way

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          His eye twitched when he heard Martial laugh, even though it was a lighthearted way. He calmed himself down and then turned to him.  
     "So what do we do?"North asked.
The Law thought. Martial glanced at the panicked countries, searching for some familiar faces, two of them specifically.
      "Up here you dummy,"Martial Law looked up at the voice.
     "Vietcong?"Martial frowned, Vietcong jumped down and landed in front of them.
"Wasn't looking for you but ok,"Martial Law said. "Where's MPAJA and PKI?"
      Vietcong looked around, "They aren't here. Probably off bugging their counterparts, specifically PKI."
       "Rude!"PKI and MPAJA stood behind Vietcong, Martial spotted them instantly.
    North Korea had a sudden urge to get away from PKI. The guy's presence was unsettling to him.
     "Hello North!"PKI waved, North groaned inwardly. He'd rather be attacked by whatever was up in the skies than spend a minute with this guy. MPAJA shook his head.
       "Sooo...what you want us for?"PKI asked, grinning.
      While North was debating whether or not PKI was a sociopath or a physchopath or both, Martial Law explained, gesturing at the door.
     "Oh yeah, and a bunch of countries are screeching their heads off,"Martial frowned deeper, jerking a thumb at a corner where some female countries were squeaking in high-pitched tones and wailing.
       PKI burst out laughing as MPAJA looked on with a calm expression. Vietcong blinked slowly.
      "Dafuq,"Vietcong muttered.
"North, do you think your nuclear powers can burn down these doors?"Martial said.
      "I doubt it,"North said. "Look."
North watched on with a creeped out feeling as something black crept out at the corner of the door and started covering it. The doors and their windows were slowly being infected with a mysterious black matter, sludge-like noises infiltrating their hearing. Martial narrowed his eyes.
    "What the hell?"
As they were nearest they got a better view. North peered at it.

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