Chapter 88

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China was silent the entire time as Russia told him what happened. Russia left out the part where he felt disturbed over four yellow flowers. What a stupid fear, he added to himself. If anyone found out he was worried over a bunch of flowers... he'd rather not think about it.

"I don't know what his purpose is,"Russia finished, dismissing the flowers from his mind. "Kind of pointless, isn't it?" With that, he went back into his own unvoiced thoughts. China pondered on the situation, as he always did whenever his friends brought up a problem they had.

If what Russia said about the connection between Third's creatures and the ones that took the Nationals, then...

"Did you sense any of them?"China asked, tilting his head, referring to said Natonals.

Russia was suddenly brought back to the time Ukraine lost her Nightingale. Her glare of resentment and...

"No... I don't think I did..."Russia answered, before he could get deeper into the unfortunate memory. He didn't want to think of Ukraine right now. Flowers also reminded him of her, which was one of the reason why he was quite unsettled right now. It seemed as if Third was seeping into his world now. Russia couldn't think of anything or anyone else he'd rather be avoiding.

"You're right about not trusting Third,"China said, thoughtful. "I believe I've heard his name before." He remembered, that at some point, he did.

Russia was honestly surprised. Third didn't mention anyone else except...

"Soviet talked about him once,"China completed his thought for him. "He said that if we ever saw him, we should avoid him at all costs." China didn't look concerned though, but Russia knew that China was far from that.

"Did Soviet ever tell me?" Russia said, after thinking for a while, sifting through his memory bank but coming up blank.

"He did. But it was a long time ago,"China answered. Even so, Russia didn't think he could even remember a time Soviet mentioned Third. "I doubt most would be able to remember everything in their life."

If it was a warning though, Russia thought he'd be able to remember. He held warnings at a certain high point. Concerned that he wasn't able to recall anything about Third, Russia constantly went back to the question of whether or not he should tell the Organizations. They must've heard about Third at some point, and maybe they would remember.

"There you are!"India shouted, having dragged Vietnam alongside him again. Having gone back to ASEAN's place and seeing everything was fine (it wasn't, it was total chaos as usual), India continually kept Vietnam with him.

"Yeah, finally. Russ, can you tell India to stop kidnapping me everywhere?" Vietnam asked, rubbing the spot on his arm where India kept on grabbing him. It was sorely bruised, as India had a very strong grip, the grip of a Tiger, as one might put it, without teeth.

"I've been looking for you everywhere!"India freaked out, at seeing that Russia was at the dormitories instead of his house. "Do you not know how worried I was? I thought you was dead! D.E.A.D!!" India emphasized heavily on the death parts and went on to elaborate on very gruesome details. Which did not make Russia feel better.

"That's enough,"Vietnam interrupted, amused but stern. "I'm sure Russia will tell us when he's ready."

Russia was doubtful. He'd tell them if he could. As of now, he didn't think he'd ever be able to. This incident was topping just about every single confusing situation he ever saw or ever been in. Almost as confusing as the time a bear followed him back home.

And as of now, it didn't look like India was letting up anytime soon. China listened with half-interest, then said, "Alright India, I'm sure Russia's got the point."

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