Chapter 37

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Sooo, the Countryhumans had passed in their New Years Resolutions Assignment a few weeks ago. And needless to say, broke all of them.
Let's start with North Korea. His resolutions were...

New Year Resolutions
1. Don't nuke anyone
2. Be more social.

Yea, just two. And he made 'em just to break 'em. He nuked America just seconds after the new year. Then for the next 24 hours locked himself in a room.
Next, Russia.

New Year Resolutions
1. Don't fight anyone.
2. Ignore people.
3. Don't break any bones.
4. Avoid bloodshed.

Yeaaa... As we can see he only made it just about a week into the new year before breaking all four at the same time. He couldn't ignore a country flirting with Ukraine (who was not Canada), he fought with the doomed soul, gave him a bloody forehead in the meantime and broke nearly every bones in that person's body. He's a master at breaking Resolutions.
China didn't have any lol.
Japan's Resolutions were...
1. Don't stalk people.
2. Leave ships alone.
3. Do not abuse the power of Art of the Ninja.
4. Be more patient.
5. Make people feel more comfortable around me.

The moment she saw Moldova with Hungary she stalked them using Art of the Ninja. Breaking Resolutions 1, 2 and 3. She jumped force them to kiss and the next day the two of them were not too comfortable with her surrounding them.
South Koreas Resolutions...
1. Improve relations with North.
2. Don't consume kimchi in alarming rates.

North had immediately slammed his door in South's face and ignored him for days. And South Korea had to restrain himself from eating kimchi to comfort himself. But ended up breaking it 3 days later as he was seen scarfing down 2 plates of kimchi by Japan.

That's it.
R.I.P 13 Resolutions.

Alright enough of that let's get into the story.

"Wait wait! Who's taller, you or Canada?"
"I can't deal with your crap right now."
Iran and Iraq looked at each other.
Currently they were all standing near the forest now. The Commie group. You know, Laos, Cuba, China, NK, Vietnam and Russia. Including their other friends.
And right now Iran and Iraq were trying to see who are the tallest countries.
"I'm sure Russia is taller than Canada,"Iraq said, nodding wisely.
"But are we sure?"Iran questioned, putting his hand to his chin in think mode. 🤔
"I'm sure you pinhead,"Iraq replied.
"Why are they even wondering who's the tallest?"Laos exclaimed, as Iran and Iraq flapped around Russia. "It's obvious Russia is the tallest country."
"They're just messing around I'm sure,"Cambodia said, looking at them. "Canada is second place."
"And who's third?"Cuba said.
"I think it's America,"Laos said, sounding unsure.
"No no,"India shook his head. "China is definitely third place. Have you seen him? He's a skyscraper!" Of course he was being dramatic but still.
China, as usual, ignored them.
"And the shortest is poor North here,"Iran said, patting the Korea's head.
"Can't deny it,"North thought annoyed, as Iraq laughed.
"Then America is fourth place,"Cambodia piped up.
Iran snapped his head around.
"Never speak of that name,"his eyes said.
"U-understood,"Cambodia said. Then thought, "Holy crap!"
NK looked on at the two as the others talked.
He really needed a social life, his brother said. Well, this is his social life. Which is why he isn't so social. See? It all fits perfectly now-
Cuba was suddenly launched into the sky by Iran.
"Hey!"Cuba exclaimed, landing on the ground.
"Fear meee!!!"Iran said. Iraq bent over from laughter.
"What was that for?!"Cuba dusted himself off. Laos sighed.
"Uhhhh, no particular reason!"Iran answered. "After all, what are friends for?"
"Definitely not yeeting each other!"Cuba said.
China, Russia and Vietnam watched the others argue. Laos had sat on a rock watching as well but picking off grass.
"Dude, stop fighting,"Laos said.
Iran laughed as Cuba chased him. Iraq was too busy laughing.
Laos was going to destroy every living fiber of their being-

"What happened to you?"Syria asked.
"Oh! Hey Syri! Didn't see you there!"Iran said.
"My name's Syria, not Syri!"Syria said, shaking her head.
"I knooooow, Syri,"Iran smirked.
Syria sighed. "Stop being mean."
Iran rolled his eyes playfully. "You know you like that nickname!"
Syria humphed and turned her head away. He was right. Any nickname he gave her she always had it in her mind.
She glanced at Iran who high-fived Iraq and started joking around. Boys, she thought, as Iran and Iraq tussled and fought playfully.
They were in the dorms they shared and currently they had about 30 minutes till their recess ended.
Syria just contented herself with settling on her bed and watching the two boys fight.
Her Bandana had a see-through effect enchantment she had placed on it. It was very useful. Other countries often wondered how she could see through the cloth covering her eyes, but some others knew why, and didn't care. In fact, they encouraged it.
Bullying was a pretty common thing and as author of this book I will not demonize countries, hopefully.
America: *Dramatic gasp* You broke the fourth wall!
ThunderWolf21: *Astounded gasp* I guess I did-

Or list any countries as bullies. I'll just put them as "countries." No names.

India peeped his head in.
"Hey Iran?"
Iran pushed Iraq off of him. "Yeah?"
"Ahem, exploring the forest today?"India asked, as Iraq laughed.
"Obviously man, won't miss it,"Iraq said. "Remember the tree that hit you?"
"Shut it,"India said, grinning. "What about the time you fell into the spring huh?"
Iraq jumped. "Iran pushed me in!"
"Well, you shoved me into a StinkShroom,"Iran said. "The odor was terrible! Be grateful I pushed you in water."
Iraq shrugged. "Fair enough."
"Bye Syria!"Iran waved, using his other hand to march Iraq out of the dorm.
"Bye..."Syria thought, as they left, feeling more lonely than ever.

Japan dragged South Korea out of his dorm, as North watched.
"HEELP!! I'M BEING ABDUCTED!!!"SK wailed, as he clung onto the wall for dear life.
"Hehehe,"Japan thought, with an ÒWÓ face.
What is she planning to do with him now?

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