Chapter 78

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     A map spread out in the center of the table. The Academy was empty since school already ended. Very weak sunlight entered the window and it was almost night.
    "As far as we can tell, the creatures are huge and well disguised in the night,"AU mused. "Remember, they only took small National Animals. So, why? Since it's highly unlikely we can find out who is behind this, we should try to find out the purpose."
    "Well said,"FBI nodded, "I'm guessing it's because National Animals are incredibly valuable."
      "Yes, but why?"UN asked, only to answer the question himself. "Because they are closely linked to a Country's Mind. It would be logical to think that controlling the National could lead to influences on the Country."
    ASEAN nodded, then circled a place on the map. The cliff where the Nationals were snatched.   
     "Luckily not too many were taken,"UNICEF said. "Unfortunately we have no way of tracking them down." She watched ASEAN mark the spots where the Nationals were taken.
     ASEAN looked up. "Actually there is a way."
    "Plenty of ways actually,"UN added.
UNICEF blinked. "Then how come we haven't done anything yet?"
     "That's because as much as we want to we always have priorities,"EU said. "We always have to look at the bigger picture. As important as it is to rescue them, we have to find out why. There may be a more serious problem than we think. And I have a feeling there may actually be some connections."
      UNICEF, ASEAN and AU stared at him in bewilderment.  
     "Wow, for once you're thinking,"ASEAN commented. UNICEF withheld a laugh.
   EU huffed. "Of course I am. This is serious after all."
    "All jokes aside,"UN said. "EU is right. It may even explain the breach of our Worlds."
      "But we still don't know who,"NATO spoke up. He'd been silent for a while, contemplating on their words. "And we can only speculate. There are multiple reasons. For one, Nationals contain an immense source of power. Even the smallest ones. Whoever is taking them knows what they're doing."
     "That's the scary part,"EU sighed, "an evil mastermind behind all of this. As if the Skryna queen wasn't bad enough."
    "She's as bad as a puffed up turkey,"ASEAN shook his head.
      The Organizations fell into silence.
UNICEF racked her brain for more ideas. Why and who. How? No countries were physically harmed. Mentally, yes. It was normal for Nationals to be let out so that would've served as an inconvenience for the countries, leading to the Nationals' kidnapping. So that got the 'how' question out.
     "If only BRICS were here,"AU frowned. "He'd probably have some ideas."
     "Yeah, if only he'd stop moping around all the time,"NATO said offhandedly. FBI smacked him.
      UNICEF sat back in her chair. She wished BRICS wasn't acting this way. But she didn't know why. It seemed as if it was the invasion. There's got to be a deeper reason... He was quite...unusual. She didn't want to say weird.
       She rubbed her forehead in deep thought.
    "Are you ok?"
ASEAN's voice snapped her out of attention. She looked up at him.
    "Not really,"she sighed.
He gave her a sympathetic look.
     "Want to take a break?"
"I'd love to, but..."
     "I know. There's a lot of things to be done,"he looked out the window. "However, you should rest."
     UNICEF looked at him in surprise.
"You're busier than I am! And you're telling me to rest!"
     ASEAN shrugged. "I'm like that."
The female Organization nodded slightly.
      "I guess you're right,"she stood up. The other males were still talking.
      ASEAN turned to the others, UNICEF hesitated.
    "Do you want to come along?"UNICEF said abruptly.
    ASEAN stopped. Then turned to her.
"What?" He looked a bit surprised.
    UNICEF tried hard to keep her face neutral but her heart was beating at a very rapid pace.
   "Yes,"she nodded to the others. "You probably need as much peace as I do."
     ASEAN hummed, then swept pass her.
    He tilted his head back to her and she caught a glimpse of his golden eyes that seemed to set her heart on fire.
    "What are you waiting for? Let's go,"ASEAN said, exiting the place. He didn't seem to have caught her stare of which she was relieved. UNICEF cast a glance back, the others didn't notice. Then she departed after him. The Academy hall was silent, UNICEF noticed that it was a relief. And she felt a bit childish for asking ASEAN to go out with her. It almost felt like... what did countries call it again?
     Nevermind. She felt content, no need to teleport out of danger. No need to run and battle Skryna anymore. With a sense of pride she remembered when she helped discover the Skryna's weakness enscribed in an ancient stone document. She was still curious as to who wrote it and why. There were so many mysteries around them.
      They were greeted by rain and dying light behind the gray clouds as the sun set. Nearly shivering she fluttered her wings a little to relieve it of rain. Watching ASEAN, she saw him close his eyes for a brief moment. Then he sighed.   
      "If only there were more moments of silence,"he remarked, turning to UNICEF. He caught her staring. "What?"
      "Nothing it's just that you look good in the rain,"UNICEF blurted out. She felt mortified as she realized what she said. In a moment of panic she came up with an excuse but the thoughts of her head mixed in with her dialogue. "I mean, uhhh..."
      UNICEF facepalmed hard. She seemed to be making things worse.
     Normally she wouldn't be this clumsy with her words but being around ASEAN made her feel...clumsy. Even her thoughts were a mess.
     "Nevermind,"she waved a hand, trying to compose herself. She had to get herself in order. ASEAN's eyes looked like they were piercing right into her very soul. He seemed to have noticed her unusual acting.
     "Is something the matter?"He asked, looking away from her to scan the surrounding area as if she was worried about something outside.
     "No no,"UNICEF said hastily. "Nothing's wrong." ASEAN looked doubtfully at her. This was getting more awkward than she thought.
     She gave ASEAN her best smile until he looked away. "If you say so."
      UNICEF scolded herself for acting so weird. Come on, how could she act this way?
   They continued walking, the rain slightly drenching them but they shook it off. ASEAN came to a stop at a large rock jutting out of the grass and sat at the edge of it. He stared outwardly, the waves beneath them crashed. She could smell the salty air mix in with the rain. As she observed him she noticed he looked as tired as the others. He hid it well though, through his usual attitude of coolness and authority.
     UNICEF walked around to the rock and sat herself next to him.
      Her wings felt soaking wet because of the rain. This wasn't the first time she wished her wings were waterproof. All of the others were. Her wings were basically bulletproof but they couldn't even handle water that well.
       She appreciated the rain though. And the silence thrumming around the both of them as the rain poured down. As she closed her eyes to soak in the silence she filled herself with thoughts about everything she knew about ASEAN so far.
       He was quiet. Liked arguing with EU. Was quite handy with the sword. Somewhat overprotective. Lonely most of the time...
       The truth was, she liked him. His way of acting professionally, the way he basically fathered his members. It was...attracting.
     UNICEF looked at him. Tempted as she was to speak to him she still felt slightly flustered.
A rustle of feathers and all off a sudden a wing was placed above her head, blocking out the rain.
     "ASEAN,"she was startled.

  "Don't, it would be improper of me to let you get drenched by the rain,"he answered, leaning forward slightly to look at her. UNICEF blushed, she couldn't help it. Fortunately for her it was too dark for the blush to show.
      As they sat there in the rain UNICEF kept her hands placed on her knees which were drawn up. It was getting quite cold but she also felt warm inside. She watched the raindrops slide off his wings.
    UNICEF realized that although she could stand the silence between her and the others, she couldn't stand the silence between her and ASEAN. She wanted to so badly strike up a conversation she didn't even know where to start.
     "So, how are your members?"UNICEF asked, purely out of curiosity and the fact that she wanted to talk to him.
     "Chaotic,"ASEAN said, shaking his head. Rain clung to his hair and the wind ruffled it as if attempting to dry it.
    "I can imagine,"she said.
"Can you?"He looked at her again. "Most countries behave when you're around."
    "The same can be said for you."
ASEAN looked like he was about to respond to that, then saw the truth of it and shrugged. "I guess you're right about that."
      "Of course I am,"UNICEF chuckled. "Why wouldn't I be?"
    He looked amused at that.
"You act as if you know everything about me."
    "I wish I did."


Rushing water.

It turned red. Blood red.
     Russia watched it flow like a fierce river around him. The smell of iron was overwhelming. He turned around, blood swirling around his leg, up to his knees. Nothing but darkness. Was this a dream?
      His eyes could pick out nothing in the pitch black void.
     Nightmares were such an old trick, he thought. The visitations nearly always started this way.
     Even though the smell and the sight seemed like a reality he knew it was merely a visit in his head.
    "Expect this to be a reality soon."




      He wanted to punch a wall.
Why couldn't this person leave him alone? Why didn't they reveal themselves yet? Or have they already and he didn't notice? These questions left him more frustrated than his lack of sleep.
    Russia couldn't help but think that this person was threatening him every day. As if they weren't threatening his sanity enough. They were now always a voice and not appearing in person, shrouding themselves in mystery and even his mind couldn't conjure any answers. Why would they waste energy doing this? That was what he wanted to know.
    These visitations happened near nighttime or during midnight. Whenever he woke up, he never went to sleep afterwards, trying to figure out the answers. Oh and he did look for BRICS. He couldn't find him. Maybe he was busy with other things.
     Even as he sat up and stared out the window which was now becoming a habit, he thought of what the person was implying. The worst part? He didn't know if he could prevent any of it.
     He frowned and covered a part of his face with a hand in exasperation. Being strong was definitely crap if he couldn't use it.
     Russia was going to have to talk with this person. But how? They weren't willing to talk to him and he doubted that they would tell him anything useful.
    Was China going through the same thing? If he was, he didn't show a single sign of it.
     Talking with BRICS was an option, still...
    He should try figuring this out on his own. He couldn't keep on asking China or anyone else for help.


      Belarus sat on her bed with worry. Kazakhstan and Ukraine still weren't getting along. She had hoped that the picnic would help Ukraine loosen up. She felt so hopeless. Powerless to do anything.
     She clung to the blanket that she had draped over her shoulders. She shut her eyes and remembered how Ukraine, in a fit of anger, threw a vase at Kazakhstan who'd just managed to use his wing to block it. His wings had shards embedded in them and blood spilled on the floor. Belarus was scared when that happened.
     Kazakhstan had just shook them off and quit reasoning with Ukraine who had already stormed upstairs. He'd also brushed off Belarus' offer for help and went to his room to heal up his wings.
     Things weren't getting better, they were getting worse.
    Tears fell from her eyes.
Why couldn't she do anything...?

   Belarus raised her head, eyes widening slightly. Wait, she could. She should've done it a long time ago.
    She had to go talk with UN.
Her family couldn't, shouldn't be fighting each other.

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