Chapter 36

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     "So this is a Memory Orb thing,"NK said bluntly to Russia, who had been invited. Russia ignored it and said, "So why am I here?"
      North Korea sighed.
"I don't know how to use this,"NK said, holding it. "I was wondering if you could help." He had to force himself to say these words. Admitting he needed help was a sign of weakness in his opinion. Especially if it considered his ignorance.
      "I've never heard of Memory Orbs,"Russia yawned.
      "Tired?"NK questioned, noticing the Russian's odd behavior.
     "Sort of,"Russia admitted. "Not a big deal. Anyways, anything else you want to ask or can I leave now?"
     Right! Something clicked in his head.
"Remember last time when you said something about, my past,"NK said reluctantly. "And whatever power thingy?"
     Russia nodded. "So you want to figure it out now right?"
    "Yeah..."NK admitted. "Something about Martial's rumors?"
    "Ignore that, it wasn't important,"Russia said dismissively. "Honestly shouldn't have brought your past out of the blue but whatever."
     NK inhaled. "Right. Ok. So what should I know?"
     Russia thought. How should he word this?
     "We know all the countries' pasts are shrouded in mystery,"Russia began. "We don't know most of what's happened in our history. But I do know this. Most countries that die stay dead or resurrect. In rare occasions they come back alive but partly dead. Do you remember the words you said in your duel against Martial?"
     NK thought. And thought. Then realized. He couldn't.
      "Uhh... I forgot? I don't remember saying anything."
     Russia looked at him. "Yeah, of course you don't. In the heat of a Countryhumans Duel a part dead country will never remember the words said in a Duel. However, in extremely rare cases they do. I don't know why but it is an awkward system."
       "So. What are you implying?"NK said, not liking where the conversation was going.
     "Well, I might be implying or stating that you may be a Part Dead Country,"Russia replied bluntly, yawning again. "And the past has something to do with it. Besides, you may have the ability to turn into a ghost."
      "Haha very funny,"NK said, thinking that Russia might be joking.
     "I'm being honest,"Russia said, "You might actually be able to turn into a ghost, if only for a temporary time."
     NK blinked, imagining himself as a transparent spirit and a trail of mist as his legs. No way.
     "Not the Halloween sort of ghost,"Russia said, seeing the look on NK's face. "You just turn transparent and can go through solid things. But in doing so all your friends and family, anyone who knew you will forget who you are in the moments you are a ghost."
     "What? Why?"North exclaimed. "Isn't that a bit cruel?"
      "Wow, you know cruelty,"Russia said. "Well. Yeah it is cruel in a way but it is just so that if a country means to abuse this power it comes with a price. And having everyone you know and love forget you and never knowing you existed is trouble enough, even if it is for short moments."
      North Korea thought about all this. His friends, his brother, anyone he knew really, would never know he existed when he turns into a ghost?
       "But..."Russia said, as if his Thought ability had given him, well, another thought. "Sometimes, your most special friends will remember you, even if you are a ghost. Your brother might have a higher chance of remembering. But it can cause them grief as they will think you are dead but some may know that you are actually still alive but in Ghost form."
     NK's mind reeled. This was a lot of information to take in. But the one thing that caught his attention slightly more was that the most things he said while in the Duel with Martial, he forgot. What did he say? Why couldn't he remember saying anything just because he was a "Part Dead" country?
     Part Dead. Part Dead. Part Dead.
That sounded so weird. What caused him to be that?
     Russia stifled another yawn as the "face" that only he could see appeared on the wall again. Frick, he thought it would stop.

   "What are you staring at the wall for?"NK questioned, causing Russia to look back at him.
     "Eh nothing. Thought that if I stared at you for too long I'd get smacked at the face,"Russia replied.
     NK ignored that comment.
"I have one more question. In the Duel with Martial, China came in and he deflected the beam. How'd he do that?"
     Russia answered. "He must've used his sword. Anyone could do that. Well, not you at that moment, your energy store was low. Magic swords can deflect most magic attacks."
     North turned this over in his head.
"But he doesn't have magic magic. Like special abilities. Yeah, any country can summon a sword. But China doesn't have any magic that I know of. Besides, to manifest a magical sword don't you need magic?"
     Russia nodded. Stifling yet another yawn. Yawns I banish you to a different dimension-
      "Yeah. But that doesn't make you think any less of him, does it?"Russia questioned.
     "Of course not!"NK protested. "Still though..."
      Russia shrugged. "China won't tell secrets if he doesn't want or need to."

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