Chapter 28

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"WHO! It is good to see you!"UNICEF excitedly exclaimed. "It's been so hard being the only female organization here!"
WHO, World Health Organization, laughed.
"I see,"she said.
UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, said, "UN! How's it going?"
"Very good!"UN smiled.
ASEAN and EU watched this happy reunion with a stare.
"Remind me, why exactly are they here?"ASEAN asked.
BRICS shrugged.
"They're here because they have some experience with Transformations!"UNICEF explained, very happy.
"Nice tree house, you guys are birds now?"UNESCO joked. The organizations had taken a brief moment to meet the others away from the Academy.
"EU is a bird. He is a total splat brain,"ASEAN offered.
"Really ASEAN!"UNICEF admonished. "What?"ASEAN said.
"Ok guys, enough bickering,"FBI said, "are there other countries coming in?"
"Yes,"UNESCO nodded. "It's nice of you guys to have us, really, with all the strange creatures lurking about."
"It's nothing,"UNICEF waved her hand. "After all, you guys have "strange creatures" too, no doubt?"
"Yeah,"WHO nodded. "We have aggressive Vilinixes."
"What are those?"UNICEF questioned.
"Scarlet beasts,"WHO said. "You have no idea how many bites I tend to everyday."
UN laughed. "No war with them?"
"Not like you guys,"UNESCO grinned. "You all seem to be having all the action."
"Oh, so being burned by a Flareshimmer wasn't enough huh?"WHO looked at UNESCO with slight disapproval.
"Aw come on,"UNESCO crossed his arms. "It was just one time!"

"Who has PE with NATO?"Laos asked, rechecking his schedule.
"Me,"Cuba raised a hand.
"Haha lol,"Vietnam said, his leaf crown twirling in the air.
"Oh shut it,"Cuba said.
"Nah fam,"Vietnan replied, crossing his arms behind his head. "I've got Math and I'm super at it."
"No you're not."
"Yes I am."
NK slammed the table. "SHUT UP!!"
"Ah, poor poor North,"Laos said.
While Iran and Iraq were torturing Russia for information like detectives NK was stuck listening to the other communist countries arguing.
For NK's sake, China better come soon.
The Cafeteria was abuzz with conversation. There were snatches of rumors of the new students. Especially about PKI and MPAJA. Malaysia and Indonesia were pretty popular.
"I heard MPAJA could shoot and hit a target at least a mile away,"A country said.
"Ohh, about PKI, I heard he can go insane!"another one commented.
"Isn't PKI so hot?"a female country said, simping over some pictures on her phone with her friends.
"I prefer MPAJA,"one of her friends said, sighing. "He looks so serious."
NK nearly lost his marbles. PKI was definitely not fun and definitely not hot! What kind of idiots were they-?
PKI was a crazy mentally unstable person. Heck, even more mentally unstable than NK so that was saying something! PKI nearly killed them on the tour by occasionally tossing a knife at their direction without realizing when he got super excited over something, which was almost all the time.
In summary, PKI was a pain in the butt. But MPAJA was cool though, so NK was chill with him.
Really though, he needed his mental buddy. If he heard another ridiculous story about MPAJA and Malaysia again he was going to go nuts from useless information overload.
Russia seemed to notice this so he decided to text China and ask him where he was.

Russia: China, where are you? NK is going crazy.



Russia: China?

Russia decided to wait, although he didn't know how long NK was going to last.
"So Russia beat up the guy in front of her,"Russia heard someone tell Iran. Oh shoot. He was busy waiting for China's reply he didn't see a country telling Iran and Iraq what happened. They both slowly turned to him, with creepy grins on their faces. Russia could swear he was sweating bullets.
"What? He was bothering my sister"Russia said. "I told Peru to look away so what's the deal?"
"Well..."Iran chuckled, looking deadly anime style. His eyes shining while dramatic anime face shadowing took over. "From what we've heard-"
"CHINA!!"NK exclaimed.
Thank you China, Russia thought.
"Now what's been going on here?"China said, sitting down. "North?"
North was busy trying to yank out unpleasant stories from nearby countries from his mind that he nearly missed China's curious tone.
"Where the hell have you been?!"NK said, sounding like his past self. "I've been forced to tour two random strangers, listen to simping girls, hear utterly stupid stories-!!"
"Oh?"China said, not looking surprised at all. He was always willing to lend a listening non-existent ear to NK.
"They said MPAJA once head shotted a giant praying mantis!"NK said, sounding exasperated. "How the heck is that possible?"
"They have strange creatures on their side of of world,"China said. "So it would explain the giant praying mantis part."
NK still sounded disbelieving as he added, "And that PKI guy? They legit claim that he hit the eye of a snake while jumping off a tree."
"I believe the jumping off the tree part,"Vietnam added his comment, knowing Indonesia pretty well.
"Hitting the snake?"NK said. "PKI nearly skewered MPAJA and my head to the wall with his knife."
"Can't have been that bad,"Iran waves a hand. "Morocco hit Iraq on the face when he saw one of Australia's spiders crawling on it."
"Apparently the spider thought it be a good idea to escape Australia and walk all over me,"Iraq grumbled a little.
"And Lebanon nearly sprouted a tree on the dirt floor of the Animal Housing Center,"Iran added.

"Sounds like you all had adventures,"China said.
His friends all nodded.

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