Book Note

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This part of the book is not a special chapter neither a bonus. The chapter is rather dedicated to the readers. This section of Oculus of Time is permanent and will not be deleted by the author.

This part here signifies that the last chapter you've read is the last chapter of the book.

Oculus of Time [Semideus Saga Sequel]

Started: February 2019
Completed: October 2021



 - Semideus Saga, including Oculus of Time, will not be subjected to Wattpad Paid Stories Program.

- There are still upcoming Epilogues that I will update tomorrow in the day (to symbolize the new beginning), before I publish the book's playlist.

Message from the Author:

Thank you so much, everyone, for keeping up with the demigods, from the beginning to another beginning.

I started writing Semideus Saga and Oculus of Time purely from my love of writing, which means that I wrote them for everyone to read, and thus, I do not have any plans to monetize the books here in Wattpad. So may you continue to seek comfort from the stories of the demigods' journey whenever you have to.

However, I do have the plan to publish their journey in paperback. Olympus Academy I has already been published, so thank you so much again, for those who bought it. 

Thank you so much all, for the support and appreciation for my works.

But if I were to be honest, words will never be able to express how much I am grateful for LEGIUMMs and you, who just decided to read Olympus Academy and stayed until Oculus of Time.

Every book I published and will publish, is dedicated to you.

You are to me, what the Alphas are to Cesia. You are my strength and purpose to continue writing, and I will, because of you.

May the love you feel for yourself and for others, as unbreakable and as unconditional as the love I feel for this universe that I have created. I mean, it is because of love that I started writing, and it is through love that I continued, despite of this chaos.

Indeed the world we live in right now, has been through a lot. We have all been through a lot, but we don't have to win every battle, only overcome it.

And I hope that after everything you went and go through, you still have your purpose, you still have the strength to continue, because nothing truly ends in life, like how no story truly ends.

Every pain, every mistake, and every defeat... is a purpose.

Every end is a purpose to begin again.

The power to set one's own destiny, the ability to write their own story, I believe everyone has it.

And despite the fact that there are people, things, events, we cannot control, what matters most, is what we make out of it.

May you finally realize, demigods, that you don't have to look for the odigos, the light what will guide you to wherever you truly are supposed to be, because that is you...

And that, you don't have to possess powers to overcome chaos,
you only need to become unbreakable.

Oculus of TimeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon