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Kaye's POV

I sat down on the chair directly across him. "What is it that you want to talk about, Dad?"

We were in his library. He was still staring at the fireplace while I was staring at him, waiting for an answer.

"I should have told you." He clasped both his hands. "I should have known better."

Kumunot ang aking noo. "Told me about what?"

"The rebels. They blinded Cronus." aniya. "That's why they were able to control him."

Tahimik lang ako habang minamasdan ang pagsasayaw ng apoy. I couldn't see its color, only its light, so I was just watching it dance to its own rhythm, with bits of ember floating around it.

"Matilda was looking for his eyes." He looked at me, at wala akong nakikitang liwanag sa mga mata niya, even though he was sitting in front of a burning fire. "She asked me not to tell you because she didn't want to give you another burden. She said it was just hers'. Not yours'. You have already been through enough."

Matilda. She thought it was a good idea to be on her own. She forgot about us. She forgot about how we won the rebellion because we were together.

'Kaye... nalulunod ako.'

Matilda... ano bang ginawa mo?

"You think it has something to do with her disappearance?" tanong ko.

My brows furrowed after noticing his clenched fists. "Dad? What's wrong?"

Lumalim ang bawat hugot niya ng hangin. "I left her, Kaye." Halatang hindi siya mapakali sa kinauupuan niya. "She was on her knees, crying and I left her there."


"I didn't even think of staying-"

"Dad..." Naramdaman ko ang pag-iba ng kulay ng mga mata ko pagkatapos makita ang kadiliman na unti-unting kumalat sa loob ng buong katawan niya. Bumaba ang aking tingin sa kanyang paanan dahil sa lumalakas na iyak ng mga kaluluwa mula sa ilalim namin, at isa-isang nagigising.

"Stop it! You're waking up the souls!" Tinignan ko ang mga kaluluwang nakatingala sa amin. "Baka nakalimutan mong mortal ako na may kaluluwa?! Gusto mo bang mahatak nila ang kaluluwa ko?!" Napatayo ako dahil sa mga kaluluwang naka-angat ang mga kamay sa'kin, sinusubukan akong abutin. "Dad!"

Lumayo ako kay Thanatos na tuluyan na ngang kinain ng kadiliman.

Napasigaw ako nang may biglang humawak sa paa ko. I can see all the souls reaching out for me, holding me in place until they can steal my soul and drag it down with them.

"D-Dad. It's not your fault." Nagmamakaawa ang boses ko. "Please."

I can feel life slowly escaping my body. With a loud thud, my back fell on the carpeted floor. I tried raising my arm but the souls won't let me. Mahigpit nilang ipinulupot ang kanilang mga kamay sa mga braso't binti ko.

Lumakas ang mga iyak nila, at kasabay nito ay ang paglakas ng hatak nila sa kaluluwa ko.

My body shivered because of their ice cold touch. Ginalaw ko ang aking ulo at tinignan ang yelo na namumuo sa balat ko. I took a deep breath and exhaled, releasing an icy mist from my mouth.

My eyelids were getting heavier. I feel nothing but cold and it's making me sleepy.

Dahan-dahan kong ipinikit ang aking mga mata.

Oculus of TimeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon