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Hello everyone!

I am not sure how many people still have this book in their library or pay attention to it at all, but this is a number on my Halloween gifts to you all since it is my favorite holiday! I have divided this chapter into parts, and you will basically get four shorts that will consist of Ziam, Larry, Driall, and one more that is Ziam centric to wrap it up. I hope you enjoy all of them!

Here's the very first short!

Ziam- Trick or Treat

"Okay, what do we say when the door opens?" I asked Roslyn, and she replied without any hesitation.

"Trick or treat! We have to say trick or treat, Lark."

"That's right, love," I nodded. "Ready?"

"I want candy!" She jumped up and down, and I smiled at Zayn, who was holding Lark in his arms, a small candy bucket balancing between the loose grip of his fingers.

"Alright. Here we go," I stood upright and rang the doorbell to our very first house. It wasn't Roslyn's first Halloween, but it was Lark's. He was nearly one year old, and Zayn and I were incredibly thankful to have both of our kids.

It was difficult with Lark at first. He was born rather prematurely, and he had breathing problems that were so very scary to deal with, but he was able to come home soon enough. He was a crier, that much we knew right away. He kept us up most nights, one of us tending to him while the other stayed with Roslyn to make sure she slept through the night; repeat with different roles the next night. Needless to say, he was a handful, but we were so in love with him-- both of them.

The door opened to reveal an old lady wearing a set of cat ears and a black sweater. "Trick or treat!" Roslyn beamed as she held out her candy bag. The old woman smiled at Roslyn and Lark.

"Oh, you two are just adorable! Your costume is very pretty," The woman complimented Roslyn as she placed a handful of candy into her bag.

"Thank you. I'm a forest fae. Daddy says that it's like a fairy, but cooler." She glanced up at Zayn as she repeated his words, and he gave her a thumbs up in response. "That's my baby brother, Lark. He's a little mouse because they run along the forest floor, and he's my best friend."

"Well you two are adorable." The woman placed a handful of candy in Lark's bucket as well.

"What do you say?" I pressed for manners, and Roslyn was right on it.

"Thank you." She looked up at Lark. "Say thank you, Lark."

There were small babbles that left Lark's mouth. So far the only words he knew were 'dada,' 'kitty,' and (for some reason) 'no.' I blamed Zayn on that one.

"You're quite welcome. Have a good night," She offered before we were walking back down the pavement and to the main street again. There were trick-or-treaters littering the streets, hyped up on candy and excitement as they ran from house to house with their parents. I always found it to be a strange experience, but it never got old to see Roslyn having fun and staying up a little past her bedtime for one day a year. I had no doubt that she would turn Lark into a similar Halloween menace.

"I got lots of chocolate," She smiled as she looked into her bag. "I promise to let you look at my candy before I eat it."

"Good," I nodded along. We were walking over to the second house, and I glanced at Zayn to see him whispering to Lark. "Do you need me to hold him for a while?"

"No, I'm good for now. He's not too heavy yet."

"Hmm. What are you telling him?" I pried as I watched Roslyn run up to another house and approach the door with a group of kids.

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