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Thank you guys so much for all of the reads and all of the fun comments! More updates soon 😊

And I'm staying up all night for New Years. Might update then

Chapter 14:

I woke up to the sound of the window opening, and I squinted my eyes as I looked over, seeing Zayn standing by it, a cold breeze coming into the room that made me shiver a bit.

"Where are you going?" I asked, my voice sounding tired and rough from my endless crying. I looked over at my door, the dresser still blocking the way, and I remembered everything from last night. The banging on the door, Zayn being drunk, how he called me his princess, how he stayed with me, how he held me, the kiss upon my head, and falling asleep, feeling safe and wanted for once. And a fear overcame me. A fear that it was all just an illusion.

"We have school today. Just like any other day." He said, but he never looked at me. I climbed out of bed, going over to my dresser and pushing it aside. I unlocked the door and opened it, about to walk out, but it was pushed shut again as Zayn grabbed my arm.

"What are you doing?" He asked, and I thought I heard fear in his voice. What was Zayn afraid of?

"Checking to see if my parents are awake. I leave early. You know... to avoid my dad. Especially after last night." I mumbled near the end, not even sure if Zayn would want to talk about last night, but I did. It was the first time I've felt that way. It was the first time I felt protected and assured that I wasn't alone.

"I'll check. You just get ready." He said, about to open the door, but I held it closed, looking at him in bewilderment.

"Are you kidding? If you check and my dad is up, all hell will be raised, Zayn. Do you have any idea what he would do if he-"

I was silenced when he leaned in, resting his forehead again mine and closed his eyes tightly. I saw his jaw clench, and he let out a sigh before looking me in the eyes and speaking in a voice that held finality. "I'm checking. Get dressed, princess."

I nodded, not being able to think of anything else to do. He opened the door, walking out into the hall, and I hesitated before walking over to my closet and picking out an outfit. A simple black jeans and white shirt would suffice. I undressed, pulling on new boxers before putting on my jeans. I grabbed my shirt, about to pull it over my head when Zayn walked back in.

"The house is clear. I'm guessing your parents are still knocked out." He said, looking over at me. I became insecure as his eyes trailed my body, seeing all of the damage done to it. The skin was so discolored and scarred. It was hideous, and I quickly pulled on my shirt, clearing my throat as I finished.

"Thanks." I said, seeing him nod and walk over to sit in the bed. "For everything." I continued, implying that I was thankful for last night. I was thankful he stayed, and I wanted to ask why he did, but I figured he would shut me out. He did that a lot.

"I didn't do anything." He said, looking away from me, but I saw a smile on his face as he reached for the jacket, standing up and walking toward me. "It's pretty cold outside." He said, holding the jacket open for me.

I was about to grab it from him to put it on, but he rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Turn around." It wasn't an order. It was a request. And that was a first.

I turned around, holding my arm out as Zayn began to slip the jacket sleeve onto my arm before doing the same to the other side, and I felt my cheeks heat up and my skin tingle as I felt his fingers run across the back of my neck. He walked around me and zipped up my jacket before trailing his eyes up to mine.

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