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Guys, I am so so so so so so sorry this chapter is so late. I feel bad about keeping you all waiting, but this chapter was difficult to write and life got in the way of a lot of writing time.

A few things:
Liam did an amazing job performing on the Tonight Show. Love him! Louis deserves all of the love and appreciation in the world because he is a saint, and I am looking forward to another hit song. Harry deserves to be happy, and he needs privacy and support during his hard times (the whole family). And that Niall and Liam meet up has me crying.

Anyway, next chapter will probably be much more eventful. Warning: This chapter does contain content that may be triggering. Please read safely. I apologize again, and please read. 😊

Chapter 51:

"You told Louis?" I asked Zayn, leaning my head back against his shoulder. The dinner was finished a few hours ago, and I got permission to spend the night at Zayn's house, but that permission didn't come without a comment from my mum about how much time I spend away from home. I, of course, promised to make it up to her.

We were sitting on his bed, and I was in his lap between his legs, my back resting against his chest as his arms wrapped around my waist. His window was currently opened, and the view of the moon rising in the night sky was captivating.

I always preferred the moon to the sun because the moonlight was private. The sun was like a picture being shown in plain sight for everyone to see. It was like a painting hung on the wall of a museum, known to all who saw it. The moonlight, however, was like the spotlight on a stage. It gave attention to a piece of work, displaying true depth and emotion behind it. It was the lonely bulb in an artist's run down studio; dim, yet giving way to a passion that couldn't do without. And when the moon was gone, it was like a secret being whispered. It was there, but it was hidden.

"Yes. Figured I might as well," Zayn replied. His voice was quiet, almost like a soft lullaby to put a child to sleep. It wasn't frantic. Never like it use to be when his past was mentioned. There was something else to it, but I couldn't focus on it as his hand trailed lightly up my arm, causing goosebumps to form on the surface of my skin.

"What made you reach that conclusion?" I asked back, trying to distract myself from the sensation that rode through me at the slightest touch.

"Well, he's my best friend. He deserved to know," He began, pressing a kiss to the back of my neck, and I couldn't suppress the shiver that shook my body. "And I decided that keeping it all hidden was the one thing that was eating at me the most. There was a part of me still denying what happened, and if I keep pretending like it never happened, then he wins. I can't let him win. If he wins, I lose more than just that battle."

I didn't say a word, wondering what he could mean by that, but I think I understood. If he allows himself to surrender to every word and action his dad forced onto him, then he allows all of the potential happiness in his life to drain away. He'd deny himself every pleasure he desired. He'd deny himself the truth to who he was.

I felt his mouth gently press to the skin of my neck, and I bit my lip as he began to trail kisses down the expanse of bare skin, doing my best to conceal the moans that threatened to slip out like criminals from the scene of a crime.

"I lose this," He explained anyway, biting loosely on my ear, his hand dropping from my waist to my hand, encompassing it in his. "And I can't lose you. Not again," He breathed out.

I broke from his hold, turning around to face him, and the fearful look upon his face from the sudden separation proved that I was his chain. I wanted to pull him out of the dark and into the light, but I had to do it without hurting his eyes in the brightness.

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