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Chapter 3:

Another day of school. Another day of dealing with people. Another day of getting judged. Another day of getting bullied. But things were different today because I knew I could talk to Drew- until he realizes I'm the loser of the school.

I walked into first period, almost limping from the soreness in my side, feeling nervous as I sat in my seat. Art class never went well for me. Every time we had a project to do, I'd have to start over multiple times because Zayn would always ruin it. This was probably the only class I considered hard because of that simple fact.

I sat there, waiting for class to start and for directions to be given. I tensed up when Zayn walked into the classroom. His eyes scanned for seats, and I kept my head down, but it didn't work because soon he was sitting beside me, hitting the back of my head and saying "Miss me, princess?"

I didn't reply. I just sat there, wishing this class could be over soon, but I knew it wasn't just this class. His harassment would continue on all day, following me classroom to classroom because he tried to take the seat next to me in order to be able to bother me. I'll hand it to him, he was clever about that, but it sucked to deal with.

"No response, hmm? Still mad at me for yesterday? Because if you are you can just get over that. Stop being such a bitch and suck it up, princess." He said menacingly, and I let out a sigh of relief as the class finally started.

We were making clay figures today. It had to be based off of Roman or Greek figurehead sculptures, and I was actually very excited for this project. I loved working with clay first of all, and I feel like this could be fun.

I grabbed my slab of clay and began to roll it in my hands, getting it warm so it was able to be a bit easier to sculpt with. I enjoyed the smooth and cool texture of the clay, and it was calming until Zayn had to open his mouth and ruin the calm atmosphere.

"This project's fucking stupid. Only idiots would like something like this. That means you probably like it, right princess?" He smirked, and I bit my tongue, not wanting to say anything that would get me beaten up today. I wanted to delay that for as long as I could- or at least until my dad's marks fade a bit.

"Tell me, do you like working with clay because it feels nice and heavy in your hands? Bet you like things like that. Like imagining it's some guy that you like. Because you wanna be good with your hands, don't you princess?" He asked, sounding as if he knew it to be a fact.

"I like art." I simply said, leaving it at that, but that only made Zayn laugh loudly. People turned to look at us, and flushed a bit because I knew that they were all thinking I said something stupid or gay to make Zayn react that way. They were all manipulated by him.

"Mr. Malik, is there something funny?" Our teacher asked, crossing his arms as he looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Zayn gave a 'genuine' smile, one that only I saw through. He put up the nice act for adults, but I knew how cruel he truly was, and I would always know it.

"Nothing at all Mr. Garza. Liam here was just telling me about his day yesterday. He fell into a trashcan accidentally. Isn't that right, Liam?" Zayn asked, glancing at me with a look that said I better agree or else.

"Yes, sir. It was so embarrassing." I said, and Mr. Garza only nodded before moving on to look at other classmate's sculptures. Some of them seemed to be coming out great, and I noticed that I haven't even started yet.

"Crap." I whispered, slabbing down my clay before I began to form and shape it into the figurehead that I wanted to do. The person had to look chiseled, which was honestly the toughest part of it all.

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