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Warning: Liam's thoughts may be triggering to some people. Please read carefully. Love you all ❤

Chapter 5:

I was terrified to go anywhere after school. I didn't want to walk out of the building, I didn't want to face Drew, but I also didn't want Zayn to face Drew. It's not that I was scared for him because Zayn could handle himself, and I have no doubt he could win that fight.

I took a deep breath, keeping my head down as I exited the school building, trying to walk as quickly as possible outside of the school perimeter, but I was cut short too quickly by a hand gripping my shoulder. I froze as Drew spoke up. "Where are you running off to?" He asked, and turned me around, pushing me back. People saw what was going on, and a small crowd already began to gather.

I stumbled over my feet as he threw me back harshly, causing me to land on my bum, some people laughing at the situation I was in. "I said you'd get round two after school, didn't I? Why would you try to run from that? I thought we were friends, Liam." He taunted with a wicked smile spread across his lips.

I looked up at Drew in fear before looking around, hoping- for some odd reason- that Zayn would pop up and save the day. I almost wanted to laugh at the thought because there was no way Zayn was a savior. He was the reason I hated school in the first place- the reason everyone else saw me as an outcast and as nothing more than his personal punching bag. If anything, Zayn showing up would only be worse.

"Aww, don't look so scared, Liam. It'll only hurt a lot." He said with a cruel smile, and I braced myself for a punch as he grabbed my shirt, pulling his arm back. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the pain and the crowd's collective cheers of oohs and ohs. But it never came.

Instead, I felt Drew being ripped away from me, opening my eyes in shock as I saw Zayn pushing him against the wall of the school building, everyone else looking on in pure interest. In any other situation, I would be flattered- thankful- but they were only enemies because they both thought they owned me. They thought they owned the rights to make my life a living hell. They weren't the holders of that crown though.

"You have a lot of nerve to lay a finger on my property." Zayn sneered, literallt growling in Drew's face. I saw Drew's eyes show fear for a split second before they flashed with nothing but challenge. "It's my job to make him suffer, my job to cause him pain, and no little fucking prick that barely moved here is going to take that satisfaction away from me. You have to work your way up the damn social ladder like every other lowlife." He said.

"It's really cute what you've got going on here, Zayn." Drew said, smiling smugly eventhough he was in no position to be looking so comfortable. "Pretending to hate Liam, acting like you despise who he is- his very existence, when really, you probably fuck him behind closed doors." He said, and finally the collective gasp came from the crowd as Zayn punched Drew straight in the face, pure rage on his face. His teeth were gritted, eyes wild and ablaze, and he looked as if he was seeing nothing but red. It was probably the angriest I have ever seen Zayn look before.

He slammed Drew against the wall, making him arch in pain, as he snapped at him. "Don't you even dare talk shit about me! I don't want to hear a goddamn word out of your mouth. I don't give a shit what you think- but understand this. I will never like a fag like Liam, but he is my property. Mine to torment, and I will ruin anyone, anyone, who stands in the way of that. I don't give a fuck where you came from or how big you think you are- you're nothing here. Nothing at all. This is my school, so be careful what you do. And watch your fucking mouth!" He said, pushing him against the wall again before he turned, walking towards me.

"Well let's just see about that then. Huh, Malik? Let's see who Liam's more afraid of." He said with a wicked smirk, walking towards us and stopping a few feet away from us. "C'mon, Liam. I want you to stand up and come over here or you can look forward to a beating first thing tomorrow morning!" Drew yelled, and I looked between them both, terrified and not knowing what to do.

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