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So... get ready for this chapter. I hope you all enjoy it because things are going down.

(I'm, like, really nervous to post this chapter lol) Here you go!

Chapter 35:

I was walking home from school, feeling utterly confused about everything today. Zayn was acting awfully weird after last night. He hardly glanced my way, but I felt his eyes on me whenever I wasn't looking. We hardly spoke, and he never even attempted to question if I was okay or not as he usually would.

It scared me.

It made me question what I did wrong. Was keeping my secret too much for Zayn? Was he trying to distance himself from me to spare himself the pain? Was he letting me go? Was everything we had for nothing? Was it ending?

The thought made my breathing pick up as I began to panic. I ran up to my house, rushing inside and shutting the door, leaning against it and closing my eyes as I did all I could to control my breathing and this feeling of panic inside of me. Maybe... maybe I should just go and talk to Zayn. Maybe I should ask him what I did wrong.

Once I got my breathing back to normal, I made my way to my room, freezing as soon as I got into the hallway. I heard a sob resonate through the air, and I walked a little deeper into the hall, stopping in front of the basement door as soon as I heard another sob. I noticed the way it was cracked open, and my heart began to race all over again.

I slowly opened the door all the way before walking inside, seeing the way the little light illuminated the room. And everything looked worse in the light. Everything from the table that held tools of torture, to the wall with the worn and rusty chains, to the dark dried blood stains that colored the floor beneath anyone's feet. But the worse part of it all... was my mum kneeling down, the chain in her hand and tears in her eyes.

"Mum, why are you-" I began to question, feeling how hoarse my voice became from seeing her looking so distraught, from discovering something that never should have been discovered.

"Why didn't you tell me!?" She cried out, shaking on the chains, and I flinched at the clattering sound they made. It was an all too familiar sound as I would writhe around in pain. My mum let out another sob, attempting to catch her breath, and I closed my eyes tightly, trying not to cry as she continued speaking.

"You never said a word, Liam. I asked you." She said in a shaky breath out. "I asked you if your dad ever hurt you- I asked- I... he hurt my baby!" She cried, her tone full of pure agony, and I felt so much shame as hot tears began to pour down my cheeks. Guilt and anger.

"Mum, he never-" I attempted to say, trying to spare her heart that I knew was now breaking. She seemed fragile. Fragile and weak. I remember when I saw my mum as nothing but strong. This strong protector that I had. That vision was crumbling in front of my eyes.

"Don't you dare!" She said, dropping the chains down and standing up, moving toward me. "Don't you dare lie to me. Don't you dare defend that monster of a man! Don't you dare sit here, looking me in the eyes, and tell me that blood isn't yours!" She ordered, pointing a shaky finger at the massive stain. And I turned away from her, trying to leave, but she caught my arm.

"How long?" She questioned, her voice nearly audible, but everything seemed so loud. Everything was happening all at once. Fast, loud, and surreal. Something that I never wanted to happen. "How long has your father lied? How long have you lied? How long has he hurt you?" She asked, and I shook my head, tears of shame dropping.

"Baby," My mum mumbled, turning me to her and cupping my face, pressing a kiss on my forehead, and I couldn't stop the sob that shook my body. "How long has he hurt you? How long has that man broken you?" She asked.

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