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This chapter is a literal mess, but I wanted to give you guys something before I was bombarded by school work next week.

This is more of a filler, but it gives a little more insight on Louis' thoughts on things. Hope you guys enjoy this, and I promise the next chapter will be better.

(BTW Louis and Bebe slayed their TCA performance, and I am obsessing over Teen Wolf again 😊)

Love you all. ❤

Chapter 58:

     Zayn didn't go to school the next day, but I actually thought that was for the best. He deserved to take a couple of days to himself and get into a decent spot mentally before bombarding himself with school work again. Besides, he wasn't missing much at all.

    I sat across Louis at the lunch table, immediately noticing that Drew wasn't there. I gave Louis a look that was obviously questioning where he was, and he shrugged.

   "I assumed he'd be with you. Man, it seems like our little group is dwindling little by little each day," He said, and I knew it was a joke, but it did worry me. So much was going on with Zayn, and I was just hoping we'd all be okay. The last thing I wanted was for there to be more drama between us all.

    "Well, he's not with me," I said, looking around the lunch room and looking over toward the lunch lines to make sure I haven't completely overlooked him. "Haven't seen him today, actually. We only have class together every other day."

    "I wouldn't worry about it too much. Drew is... well, Drew. I think we've pretty much resolved the problems he had," Louis said, and I nodded, knowing that he was probably right. It was just that the whole thing going on with Zayn had me on edge. I didn't enjoy seeing people close to me be unhappy. It killed me every day to know that Zayn was depressed, deeply depressed, and that every second he was mentally fighting an intense pain from his past.

     "Right. Well, what about you? Are you alright? Have you spoken to Harry?" I questioned, and Louis nodded, setting down his glass of water and sighing.

    "Yeah. I told him everything yesterday afternoon after I left your house," He said, a more somber tone taking place in him voice. I immediately became worried. Did I ruin what they had by telling Louis to come clean?

    "I returned his guitar, and I told him that we needed to talk," He gave a small smile before continuing. "He was afraid that I was breaking up with him, but I assured him that I would never do that. I love him too much to ever leave him."

    I knew the feeling, and I also knew how leaving the person you love could cause such internal turmoil and agony. Eventhough I didn't realize that I loved Zayn until after we split apart, I still felt the hollow ache inside of me. I would never wish that upon anyone. Not even my greatest enemy.

     "He was confused and a bit terrified, but he agreed to talk. We went into his room, and I let him sit down, but I was much too apprehensive to sit. I could only pace back and forth a few times, and I knew the silence that I let drag on wasn't doing anything to settle Harry's confusion, but I was so afraid to speak. The words were caught in my throat, it seemed, and all I could imagine was the look of disgust and disappointment that would fill his features as soon as I told him. I didn't want that to happen," He confessed, and I understood that as well.

    Before I told my mum the truth about Zayn and me, I was scared to death that she would completely ridicule me and scold me for my recklessness and stupidity. I had no clue as to how she would react to Zayn being my former bully, but the outcome wasn't as terrible as the multiple outcomes my mind conjured up. It was all just nerves.

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