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Double update! And more Ziam next chapter. This one has a bit, but not as much.

Chapter 12:

I walked to school the next morning through the cold, not feeling anything at all. I felt drained and life felt dead. I finally felt numb for once, but I had no idea if I liked the feeling. Was it better to feel pain or to feel nothing at all? I asked myself that all the time.

I got to the school building, surprised when I wasn't bothered by anybody. There was no Zayn, no Louis, no Drew. Everything was just so quiet. I did get stares though. Always so many judgmental stares. As if I had some disease that was contagious through the air. And it made me question whether or not they knew about the marks that littered my skin. The beatings I endured. But they couldn't. Only Zayn knew. He couldn't have told. Could he?

I jumped when I heard someone laugh loudly, pulling me out of my thoughts. I continued walking to my locker, walking by Zayn and some of his friends. I held my breath as I went, praying he wouldn't make a comment. I was surprised when he didn't, but I couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about as all of them burst into laughter.

I walked to my locker and put in my combination, sighing when I finished. I regretted going to another music class. Drew and Zayn would be there. There would be no protection, and I had no idea what to do. It'd be constant torture.

I opened up my locker and was confused when something fell out. I picked it up, seeing that it was the jacket Zayn bought me yesterday. I looked at the note that was on it, reading what it said. One word. Non-refundable.

I looked back over to where Zayn's group of friends were and say him looking right at me, no emotion on his face or in his eyes. He was always so good at going completely blank. I wasn't. I don't think I ever could be.

I put the jacket back into my locker, taking out the things I needed before slamming it shut and walking away. I didn't want my heart to flutter over every little thing he did anymore. He wasn't nice, and he didn't care about anyone but himself. I had to realize that, which wouldn't be hard if he would just beat me up again like he use to.

I started walking to art class, not wanting to think about him or any of the things he's done for me any longer. It was hard to do, though because as soon as I sat in my seat, he was walking through the door.

I looked down at my desk as he walked over to his seat, sitting down right beside me. It was completely silent between us, but I felt so tense. I was waiting for him to insult me again like he did last night. I was waiting for him to show how much he hated me like he usually did. Instead, all I got was a question.

"Are you gonna take the jacket home?" He asked. I felt his eyes on me, but I didn't dare to turn.

"No. You're taking it back to the store or giving me the receipt so I can take it myself and give you your money back." I said, looking at the clock to see when class would start. Five minutes.

"I already tried to. Can't refund it." He said, and I chuckled.

"That's bull. You never tried. The mall closes at ten and opens after the school does. You never even went." I pointed out. "Just take the jacket back."

"No." He simply said, and I never replied. I sat there, waiting through the silence until class finally started. We were working on another clay sculpture. We were suppose to sculpt a landscape, so I decided to do a garden, but I was having trouble with the little flowers.

"Need help?" Zayn asked, and I remembered the last time he asked me that.

"No. I don't need any help." I said, trying my best to shapes out a little flower without breaking off the clay, and I groaned when I failed.

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