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Okay guys, challenge time! Nobody has guessed what the letters B-D-S stand for, so the challenge is to figure it out. Along with the next set of letters starting with the last chapter's first letter. 😜

Happy Valentine's Day! Do you have a valentine? I will be your valentine if you don't have one. ❤

Also, some... um... steamier stuff in this chapter, that I hope works well. (not sex, but smut related 😉)

Chapter 29:

I woke up to a dark room, a tiny bit of moonlight filtering through Zayn's window. I never went home. I couldn't leave him, not after all he confessed. I couldn't leave him broken and alone.

I looked to my side, seeing that the space next to me was completely empty, and I felt a longing to have Zayn back beside me. It was unhealthy to feel a constant need for someone. It was unhealthy to need a person to be able to feel like you could actually breath. Unheathly, criminal, toxic, but magical.

I slowly got out of bed, feeling the cold air rush to me as soon as I slipped out from under the covers. I was fully dressed, but it was a cold night. I grabbed the blanket off of the bed, wrapping it around myself. Zayn's scent lingering on the cover only made my need to be beside him grow stronger.

I walked out of his room, listening to how silent it was. The house was dark, but I didn't feel fear. It felt homey, safe, secure. It felt like I actually belonged and everything was balanced inside.

I made my way through the house, stopping infront of the door to the music room. I put my ear against the door, hearing nothing but silence. Still, I opened up the door, seeing how the moonlight streamed over the piano from the window, making it look even more grand. It was such a beautiful instrument, and I found it captivating.

I walked toward it, running my hands over the keys but not putting enough pressure to make any sounds. I felt a dull ache in my chest as I realized that Zayn has played every emotion he had through these keys. They told his story. The piano was a part of him. A part that contained black and white. The good and the bad. Something that created grey.

I looked away from the piano, still curious as to where Zayn went. So much happened tonight, and I was worried.

I left the room, pulling the blanket tighter around my shoulders as I entered the living room, feeling cold air bursting throughout the room. I looked over to see that the slide door was opened, leading to the garden.

I hesitantly made my way to it, shivering a bit as the cold air enveloped me. Still, I walked out into the darkness, being captivated by the vivid color of the flowers against the dark night sky.

I walked along the same path Zayn and I took last time I stayed over. My feet felt frozen as I walked along on the cold stepping stones, but I didn't mind. I was souley settles on finding Zayn.

I stopped when I saw him laying underneath the same tree we sat under, just staring up at the stars, holding a flower in his hand. He looked like a picture under the stars, the gentle hazed over light of the moon capturing his features in a soft glow. He looked like a dream.

I took another step forward, my foot creating the smallest noise against a bush, and he looked over at me in surprise. I watched his eyes soften as he saw me, and my heart was beating like I never knew it could. It was an accelerating feeling.

"Come here." He whispered, motioning for me to walk over as he tossed the flower to the side. I hesitantly stepped into the grass, feeling the dew drops dampen the bottoms of my feet, but I didn't mind as I finally made it to Zayn, getting down to my knees and looking down at him with uncertainty.

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