Character Ask: 2

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Q:  -bruised: Not a question but I love you bby

A: Thank you. Even though I don't really know you, it's very appreciated.


Q: Infinite_capacity_: First of all, I just wanted to say that I'm so proud of you for getting through life. You're my favorite character simply because of that statement you create, that, if you believe in great things, you can achieve great things. You have inspired and saved my life multiple times, and I cannot thank you enough. Now, how do you feel after you made love to Liam?

A: Thank you, and I hope I can continue to inspire you that way. And I feel... untouchable. Like I've finally reached the part of the tunnel that leads out into the light. It's almost in my grasp. I just have to keep fighting for it.


Q: hyun_ryu_: What's one lesson you remember your mom teaching you that you still think about today?

A: There are plenty of lessons that my mum has taught me that I constantly think about, so it's a bit hard to pick just one. If I had to, however, I think it'd be the fact that she helped me realize that life is constantly going to knock you down, but it's up to you to gain the strength to lift yourself back up. I'll admit, I struggled with that for years, but she also taught me that sometimes you need a little help. It feels like she'd finally be proud of me for listening to those words spoken so long ago. I hope she is.


Q: IreneRay27: How did you really feel when Liam confessed he loves you? And how do you feel every time he says it since the first?

A: To hear that Liam loves me the same way I love him was completely surreal. It didn't matter to me if he didn't say it back at the beginning because I would love him regardless, but to hear him say he did was like a sudden fog being lifted from both my heart and mind. I didn't realize how much I truly did need to hear those words. And every time he says it, I swear my heart stops, which sounds completely cliché, but there's really no way to describe it. Having the person you love love you back is such a wonderful opportunity and feeling.


Q: Ja_is_here: do you see the rest of your life with lima bean ❤

A: I actually do, and it's completely terrifying. I never thought I would be able to possibly have a future with someone, let alone all by myself, so it's a scary thought to suddenly have, but I welcome it. And I honestly want it more than anything.


Q: OopsHiYouFool: How does it feel when Liam says he loves you?

A: Fucking incredible. Like an honest dream, and it makes me feel like I actually deserve to be loved. It's unlike anything I've ever felt before.


Q: LarryIsASchnitzel: (It's not a question but...) I'm proud of you, Zayn, tbh you should be too. Recovery is the hardest way. It can be a bitch and it will cause u so much energy but be strong for your Princess. <3

A: Thank you. I am trying every day to be strong, but I am thankful that I have people around me who will help pick up the pieces whenever I fall apart. It is hard, possibly one of the hardest things to do, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it now.

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