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I hated writing this chapter! 😭

Warning: Mentions and depictions of abuse and homophobia. Please read carefully, loves!

Chapter 2:

It was the end of the day, and my shirt was still drying. It got cold in my last period, but I just dealt with it, shivering as I tried to finish my worksheets. It's not like dealing with the cold was the worse thing I've had to face in my life. It was challenging, but I managed through out the tedious class period.

Now I was on my way to detention. I was terribly frightened because I had no idea what to expect. I have never gotten in trouble at school before. My whole entire educational career was the only clear thing I had about me, and this single detention would be like a blemish on my record- a bruise if you will.

I approached the door with small black letters that read DETENTION on it, and opened the door. The first thing I noticed was that there was only one other kid in here. A guy I have never seen before. He must be new to the school, but if so, how did he already get a detention?

He had on a red jacket, a black t-shirt, black jeans, and some black shoes with small red detailing. He seemed to have money- lots of it, but that didn't mean he was a good person. He had dark brown hair and blue eyes, I only noticed them because they locked onto mine, and I quickly looked away.

"You must be Payne. Got detention from first period, yeah?" The teacher asked, and I nodded, not saying a word. I handed him the detention slip and made my way to the back of the room as quickly as possible. I felt eyes on me the whole time, but I did my best to ignore them.

I finally made it to the seat in the corner and sat in it, immediately opening my book and beginning to read. I groaned in frustration as I saw that some of the pages were now stained from being wet. I hated Zayn so much. I hated his attitude and his stupid smirk. When would he get over himself? He was attractive, and I was gay. That much was obvious. But why press so much?

"Well, I'm going to run down to the break room to make some copies and get a drink. I want no talking or leaving while I'm gone. Doing so will result in another detention tomorrow after school. Gor that?" The teacher asked, looking at the both of us, and I nodded solemnly before beginning to read again, doing my best to make out the blurred words.

He picked up a few things from the teacher's desk before walking out the door with another warning that I paid no attention to. It was silent for a few seconds, and then I heard a chair scraping against the floor as the other guy in the room stood from his desk. I looked up for a second, and our eyes locked again, and then he was walking towards me.

I averted my eyes from his, looking back down at my book as panic began to grow in my chest. All I could think about was the countless number of times Zayn has walked up to me, ready to hit me or kick me or say insult after insult. Nobody ever spoke to me in a friendly tone, and I'm pretty sure this guy has already caught on if he was here during lunch.

"Hey." I heard him say as he sat in the desk next to mine. I froze, not knowing what to expect, but I braced myself. All I could think about was Zayn's taunting voice. Sure, this guy's voice sounded nice and sweet, but so did Zayn's- even when he was being cold to me. It was all just an act. An act he seemed to have perfected as well.

"Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." The guy said before laughing. It was a warm laugh, and I slowly let my guard down as I turned and looked at the guy. He was very attractive. Sure, he was being nice now, but would he still be if he knew I was into guys? I doubt it. So he didn't have to know.

"Yeah... sorry." I said, my voice sounding low and gentle, but it was really because of all the fear rushing through me. It was like it was all coursing through my veins at once because of this stranger talking to me. He was speaking to me like I was a human being, which was something I cherished right now.

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