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So the last chapter was really short, and I'm sorry for that. This one'll be longer. 😊

Chapter 7:

It was getting late, and I was surprised my dad wasn't home yet, though he was probably out somewhere getting drunk. My mum, on the other hand, called me to let me know she would be working late. I was alone for the first time in a long time, and I didn't know if I liked it or not.

I liked the peace and quiet, but not the voices in my head. All of the negatives seemed to consume everything else, but I tried my best to ignore it all and work on homework instead. The only problem was, I couldn't concentrate on the work. It all seemed to be a big blur, just like the days were.

Every single day was the same cycle on repeat. It got tiring to live through. I woke up, tried to sneak out before my dad saw me, met up with bullies at school who hated me for being myself, went through every class -- trying to keep up but slowly slipping no matter how smart I am, and then I came home to an abusive father and an overworked mum. It was a cycle of pain, torture, and disappointment.

I didn't have anyone to lean on. I wish I did. I wish I had one person I could tell all of my thoughts to. The useless fairytale thoughts I came up with. They were laughable and foolish, but they meant everything to me. Because there was always a happy ending. That was the one thing I craved more than anything. A happy ending. But life didn't work that way, did it?

I sighed, giving up on only the third problem of my math sheet. Math was never my strongest subject, but that didn't mean I despised it. Sometimes the formulas and numbers just got to be too much.

I set my book aside as there was a knock on the door. I didn't know what to expect because I was sure my dad's knock would be much harsher and my mum wouldn't be off of work for a few hours. I'd be lucky if I got to sleep before either of them came home, especially the former.

The person knocked again as I was making my way through the living room, so I jogged the rest of the way to the door, opening it up to see Zayn standing there. I didn't even invite him in, he walked in, just like the first time. I learned not to really try to push him out. There was no use in it.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with a small sigh. I was tired and irritated already, plus I was hoping I could spend the rest of the day alone. I was hoping I could play some music, lose myself in anything and everything possible. I just needed that, but Zayn needed to ruin that.

"I said I'd be back, didn't I? And it's a good thing you let me in without being afraid, but cut the damn attitude, yeah?" He said. It wasn't a suggestion. It was an order, and it made me sigh as I closed the door.

"You can't be here long. I have no idea what time my dad's coming home." I said, hoping he'd understand, but he only laughed.

"I'll stay as long as I want. First we have to talk about a few things." He walked down the hall, probably remembering where my room is. I gave a worried look at the front door, freaking out inside at the risk of having him here. My dad would kill me if he saw a boy here while I was alone- especially if he was in my room.

"C-can't we talk in here?" I stuttered out, Zayn looking back at me with a death glare. True, I was more afraid of my father, but my father wasn't here right now. Zayn was here, and I was terrified of Zayn.

I gave in, walking over to where he stood and then following behind him to my bedroom. He threw the door open and then plopped down on my bed, motioning for me to sit as well. I sat higher up on the bed, not wanting to sit right next to him, and he smirked when he noticed.

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