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Two things: 1) Liam's song is absolute life! It's fine if it's not your type of music or something, but there's no need to send so much hate about it. He's proud of it.

2) Niall completely slayed the Today show, and I have never been up so early on a non-school day. The last time was when all of 1D was performing, post Zayn :')

Here's an update. And warning: this is what occurs after major writer's block and a week of sleepless nights and stress. I hope it's okay. Love you all. ❤

Chapter 47:

I walked into the lunch room with Drew by my side. He's been a surprisingly good friend since his apology, and I was just glad we could move on from the whole hatred thing. I guess I never was good at hating people.

We grabbed our trays before standing in line with all of the other kids. And I wasn't hungry. I knew I should eat, my mind was telling me to uphold my part of the deal and that it was for my own health, but I couldn't even fathom the idea of taking a bite of the food. But I would try. I would always try.

"So, what are your plans for the weekend?" Drew asked as he grabbed some nachos and placed them on his plate. Some of the cheese seemed to droop over the side of the container, and it made my stomach turn. I did my best to ignore it as I grabbed some fruit salad instead. Something my stomach could handle.

"I don't know. I never really plan my weekends. Things just sort of happen or I stay home all day," I informed. Although I did know one thing this weekend would consist of. I had to go to my dad's hearing. I had to go up in front of law officials and speak of all of the horrors I use to only keep in my mind.

"You've never made weekend plans?" He asked, sounding completely unconvinced, but there wasn't much I could have planned when I never really had anywhere to go or anyone to hang out with. "You've got to be shitting me, Liam! You need to go out more often," He said, and I only shrugged.

"I never had many options," I said. It was only true. The last social event I attended was my mum's office party, and I was the youngest person there. I never had parties because I never had money. I never hung out with anyone because I never had friends. Harry was probably the first friend to invite me to his house. Zayn didn't count. That was something different. That was like a home; not just a visit.

"Well, let's fix that," He grinned as he grabbed a pudding cup and placed it on his plate. I never understood how people could stomach any type of dessert after the main course. "We should have a get together this weekend. You, me, and anyone you want to invite. It'll be small, but it'll also be a blast," He stated.

"I can't. I have something to do this weekend," I said, causing him to stop walking. We stepped out of the lunch line as we finished getting the food we wanted, and Drew turned to me with a confused look on his face.

"I thought you said you didn't have any plans?" He said, in an almost accusing tone.

"I wouldn't call a court hearing an actual plan for the weekend. It just happened that way," I sighed, moving to walk past him over to where Louis was sitting and smiling down at his phone. I could only assume who he was texting.

"Hey, Liam," Drew called, rushing to catch up to me, and I stopped walking, turning to look at him. "I'm sorry about everything that's going on. Can't imagine how that's like," He apologized, and I recognized that familiar tone of guilt that seemed to linger in everyone's voice. It was like they were all guilty, yet most of them ignored that tug of human emotion. They were like robots to society.

"You don't have to be sorry. The only person who needs to be sorry is my dad," I said, wanting to end this conversation, but I guess Drew didn't realize that as he spoke up again.

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