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Here's your update, lovelies.

By the way, if you are interested in writing an entry for one of the writing competitions, please comment so that I can edit the due dates. You are creating your own story on your account and either sending it to me or hashtagging it with my username.

Warning: Liam's memories and thoughts may be a bit upsetting. Please read carefully, and I love you all.

Finally, this is a slow chapter, but the next chapter will be what you have all waited for-- Rosewood acceptance letters. 😌

Chapter 84:

    It's been a week since our auditions, and I was feeling rather anxious, and it was only growing worse as each day continued to pass. I could tell Zayn was feeling the exact same way, but he wasn't with me at the moment to have a conversation with. It turns out, he did decide to spend a day out with Myles. They were trying bowling, and I was really curious about how it was going, but it wasn't my top priority at the moment-- not while Zayn wasn't here.

    I've been basically laying in bed all day, feeling much too anxious to get out of it, not to mention the headache I had. I didn't get dressed at all today, I didn't get out of bed to eat breakfast- my mum brought me food however- I didn't dare leave the warmth of the blanket unless I had to use the restroom.

    I stared up at the dreamcatcher above my head, the one I gave to Zayn a while ago, and I wondered whether or not it truly knew what my dreams were. I wondered if everything would work out today. I wondered if the audition was enough to make it into Rosewood. I wondered if I did enough to deserve a future in music.

     I sighed and turned to my side, feeling the pounding in my head like a hammer banging against my temple. It was such a discomfort, but I didn't want to bother my mum or Colette by telling them that there were no more pain relievers in the restroom's cabinet. So, I was going to deal with the headache until it decided to settle down.

    I was laying in Zayn's side of the bed, and I was curled up into a ball under the covers, laying horizontally across the area, one arm stretched around the pillow beneath my head and the other hugging Zayn's leather jacket to me. It all brought me comfort while he was away, but it didn't mean the pain in my forehead was any less noticeable.

    I closed my eyes, thinking that I shouldn't have stayed out in the cold every night with Zayn. We would lay under the same tree and stare at the stars. Ever since he told me about his mum doing the same thing with him, it was just something I wanted to offer back to him. He lost so much in his life, and he deserved it all back. Unfortunately for me, that meant dealing with this illness and waiting impatiently for our Rosewood letters to arrive. It would be any moment today or tomorrow.

    There was a knock on the bedroom door after a while, and I was already half asleep, but I jumped at the sudden knock and called for the person to come in.

   My mum walked through the door with a thermometer in her hand and a wet cloth. "Are you feeling any better, love?" She questioned, and I just had to answer honestly. I felt that I owed her the truth after years and years of lies.

    "No. Not at all. It feels like there's an active construction sight being worked on in my head. They're behind schedule and won't even think about taking a break," I groaned out, making my mum chuckle a bit before she folded the wet cloth neatly and placed it over my forehead in hopes of cooling my temperature overtime.

    "Open," She said, and I did so, allowing her to put the thermometer in my mouth before we both sat patiently and allowed my temperature to be taken. Once the thermometer beeped, my mum took it away and read it over. "102.4. You're definitely ill, love."

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