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Few hours until New Years. Love you all 💕

Hope this chapter is good enough 😊

Chapter 15:

I walked through my front door carefully, looking around and listening for either of my parents. My whole body was shaking at the thought of my dad coming home. I was terrified, there was no hiding that. I just hope my mum came home early and stayed all night. There was no telling how he would hurt me.

As soon as I realized the coast was clear, I locked the front door and made my way to my room. I threw my backpack in the corner, throwing the jacket along with it. I wouldn't say today was a bad day. I did get to know a few things about Louis, and I was thankful that he actually spoke to me instead of ignoring me the whole time. Sure, the other guys at the table gave me funny looks and ignored my existence, but that didn't stop Louis.

I was barely going to sit on my bed when there was a tap on my window. I looked over, seeing Zayn there, and I rolled my eyes, unlocking the window before sitting on my bed. I watched as he opened it climbed into my room.

"What?" I asked as soon as he was fully inside of my room. He stood there silently staring, and I sighed, laying back on my bed. "What do you want, Zayn? If you're going to give me a speech about how I shouldn't have eaten lunch at your table, I have two things to say to that. One, I didn't eat, and two, Louis invited me." I said.

"Yeah. Seems like you and Louis are getting pretty close, don't you think?" He asked, and I sat back up, looking at him in a bit of anger.

"What? I can't talk to Louis now or something? I only know a handful of things about him. Way more than I know about you, but I actually liked talking to him today. It's not like I expected to, and it's not like I planned to be all buddy-buddy with him. He's just nice." I admitted. Behind the bully facade, Louis was a decent person, and it made me wonder how Zayn was under his facade.

"So you like Louis?" Zayn asked through his teeth. "Because he won't talk to you again if he knew about your little fucking feelings for him." He threatened, and I wanted to laugh because he was way off, but I held it in.

"I don't like Louis that way." I said. "Do you seriously think that just because I'm gay that I like any guy who is nice to me?"

He didn't reply. He took a deep breath before asking "Who do you like?"

I looked at him with my eyebrow raised. Was he joking? Why would I tell him who I liked? Even if it wasn't him I liked, I would never tell him any way. "Nobody." I mumbled, looking down at my shoes, realizing I still had to take them off. So that's what I did.

"Nobody." Zayn scoffed, and I ignored that as I took off my shoes and placed them at the foot of my bed. "Bullshit."

"Okay then. Who do you like?" I shot back, seeing the anger dissolve from his face as he looked me in the eyes before looking down and messing with the cuffs of his jacket. The leather had small indents from when I had to roll the sleeves up to fit them.

"Someone." He said, and I was surprised by that. I didn't think it was possible for Zayn to like anyone; not that way. And I won't lie, it hurt a bit. It hurt to know how much I liked him only for him to confess that he liked someone else. Why couldn't I just like girls?

"Great. Then go spend time with them and leave me alone." I spat, getting tired of his back and forth act. I was so overly confused about his kindness. One second he was nice and the next he was back to how he's always been.

"Do you think I would be here if I didn't want to be?" He asked, and I saw sincerity in his eyes, but I was tired of trying to figure out his constant mood swings.

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