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Update time!

Hope this is okay. And I wanted to ask two questions.

1. What is your favorite color and why? I'd say mine is black or grey or white.

2. Does anyone want to have a chat on like kik, instagram, or twitter? Comment and let me know because I love talking to readers 😊

Chapter 18:

      "Hello again, Liam. It's so nice to see Zayn bringing a friend around other than Louis. He's a nice boy, but he can sure be a handful." Zayn's aunt laughed, and I watched as Zayn smiled as well and kissed her cheek before leading me inside.

    "Do you guys want me to make you anything before I leave?" She asked, grabbing her purse and keys. Zayn looked at me with a raised eyebrow, and I shook my head.

     "No thank you. I'm fine." I said. I was use to the constant feeling of hunger, and I knew asking for anything would only burden her life.

      "Are you sure, sweetheart? I have time and you both look hungry and tired. Why don't you go to Zayn's room, and I'll make you guys a little snack." She suggested, setting her things down and walking toward the kitchen.

      I was going to deny the offer again, but she was already gone through the kitchen door, and I felt warm inside as Zayn took my hand in his and led me to his room. I felt myself longing for that same moment of closeness we had last night as soon as we walked into the room. The room was familiar but still so unusual considering that it was only my second time stepping foot in it.

    It held better memories than my own room.

     "Does Louis come over often?" I asked, the only thing I could think of to break the silence we were in.

      I sat on the bed, setting my bag down on the floor, and Zayn walked over to me with a shrug.

     "Typically. He's been busy lately though. Last time I hung out with him outside of school was when I showed up drunk to your house." He said, almost hesitating in beinging the moment up again. I perfectly understood why, and I dreaded the idea of going back home.

      I knew why Louis was busy. He told me about how he's been planning the perfect date to tell Harry he loved him. He was doubting himself, and I never thought I would be the one giving him comfort.

      "We're not going to talk about Louis, though." Zayn said, probably knowing that I would try anything I could to distract him from the topics he did want to discuss. I only nodded along at his request.

     "What did your dad do to you?" He asked, taking my hand in his again and squeezing it tight. I looked from our hands to his eyes, and I knew I couldn't lie to him. I should be able to, but I couldn't. His eyes just held something in them that made me want to let him in. It sickened me to my stomach.

      "He said... he said that he wanted me home right after school." I began, nervous because I already broke that rule. "He said that as soon as I stepped my sorry ass through the door that he was going to show me the consequences of staying out all night and... and, um... giving myself to some guy like a filthy slut."

     Zayn's hold on my hand tightened, and silence fell over us again, making me panic. Maybe I said too much. Maybe my dad's words upset Zayn. Maybe the thought of sleeping with me, let alone touching me that way, disgusted him. So, I looked away from him and tried to pull my hand away, the shame swallowing me whole, but he didn't allow me to pull away.

      "That's not okay, Liam. He threatened you." He said, his voice holding pure rage in it, but he did his best to keep it calm and steady. I've never seen him like this before.

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