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(Also, read the author's note after for more information.)

Chapter 104:

I drove all the way back home, feeling both excited and nervous about being back in town. I had no clue who still lived there or if things would even be the same. It felt so surreal to drive back into town after so long, eventhough I was just there on Christmas break.

I drove down the familiar, yet strangely unfamiliar, streets to where my mum's new house was located. She moved out of Colette's house only a week or so after Zayn and I left for college. Colette wasn't alone, however, because Myles moved in to keep her company.

I pulled up at my mum's house, it was a decent-sized house with two bedrooms and two bathrooms. It also had a fairly large backyard and my mum created a small place for music instruments for whenever I visited. It was quite thoughtful of her to do. I also never had to truly worry about her being completelt alone because she bought a dog to keep her company. It was a small teacup chihuahua that she fonded over through mutliple text messages. She named her Eve, and she loved her very much already.

As soon as I stepped out of the car, my mum came rushing toward me with a wide smile on her lips. "Liam! Oh, my baby!" She cried in joy as she hugged me close to her. She hugged me awfully tight, but I didn't complain at all because I missed my mum very much. Sure, I could care for myself and cook my own meals and do my own laundry, but my mum would always be the best at caring for me.

"Hello, mum. How are you?" I questioned, even hearing how soft my voice sounded. I just missed my mum an awful lot. She was the strongest person in the world to me, and she was often the person I called when I struggled with major anxiety and panic attacks during the first couple years of college. It would have been Zayn before, and I knew that it wasn't healthy to rely on one person that way. Especially when they were dealing with their own mental issues.

"I'm good. I'm great now that you're here. Oh, Eve will be thrilled to see you. She slept in the guest room for a week after you left. I think she misses your scent," She said with a chuckle as she pulled out of the hug and held onto my face. "Let me look at you."

Her eyes searched my face carefully, and I saw tears building in her eyes. They weren't sad tears at all. She was happy. So full of joy and glee.

I knew that I've changed a bit since high school, and my mum always mentioned it whenever she saw me. During my second year of college, I began working out more to fill my time, and I didn't have as much baby fat on my face anymore. I also paid plenty of attention to my abdomen, stomach, and chest. I was pretty proud of the results.

My hair wasn't as long as it used to be, and I styled it upward with gel. I tried facial hair a while back, but I decided that I didn't really fancy that look on myself. However, it was a completely different story when it came to Zayn.

"You've grown so much, Liam. And I'm very proud," My mum said, wiping at her eyes as she gave out an embarrassed laugh. She had nothing to be embarrassed for.

"Thank you, mum. That means a lot to me," I admitted. All I've ever wanted was to make my mum proud as well as myself. And I accomplished that. All of those years of therapy truly helped me come to terms with many aspects of both my life and my emotions. And it was a slow, long healing process, but I felt more confident now, and I loved things about myself. I still see a therapist every so often just because I wanted to keep everything in check.

Thinking about my progress made me wonder how Zayn's was going. Was he doing far better as well? I knew that if I texted him now, he wouldn't respond because he'd probably still be on the plane from New York to London.

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