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Few things: updating now because I have no clue if I will be able to this weekend, so enjoy!

Also, American Horror Story is playing on my phobias this season, and I don't appreciate it at all, but I can't NOT watch!

And to everyone impacted by any of the hurricanes or earthquakes that are going on, I really and true hope you're all okay. Please stay safe and know that you have an army of support behind you. Never stop smiling, darlings. ❤


Anyway, please enjoy 😘

Chapter 61:

Today was Zayn's first day back at school, but it was also the day his aunt would be leaving for her art show. I could tell that she felt nervous about leaving Zayn for four or five days, but I promised her that I would do all I could to be there for him. I wanted her to enjoy her time away and not have to overly worry about him.

It was lunch time, and Louis decided it would be good for all of us to eat off campus today. I think we all knew he just really wanted to be around Harry now more than ever. It was as if that secret was the only barrier between them. Now that Harry knew his past and Louis knew Harry was able to forgive him for it, they were finally whole. It was so easy for them.

"Does he have to come along?" Zayn questioned, speaking low enough that only I could hear him. He still wasn't keen on Drew, no matter how many times I begged him to just play nice. Still, I was glad that Zayn could act so natural when I knew he was only sad inside.

"Yes. He's part of our group now, and it'd be awkward of Niall was left as a fifth wheel," I reminded him. He crossed his arms over his chest, a pout playing on his lips, as we walked inside of the mall, heading straight for the food court.

"I don't like either of them, but as long as it keeps them away from you," He announced, and I couldn't help but smile at the ounce of jealousy Zayn was allowing to shine through.

"First of all, Drew's not gay, and he's never liked me that way. He apologized, and I don't plan on holding people's past mistakes against them," I said, and Zayn nodded in understanding.

It pained me that he still blamed himself for everything he's ever done. He didn't have to say the words, I just knew he did. He was so full of guilt and regret, and I hoped talking about everything could really bring him some sort of clarity.

"Secondly, Niall knows that I only love you, and he's fine with it. He's backed off, and we're better friends now," I informed.

"He still likes you. It's not hard to tell," He said, finding one single thing to hold onto to maintain his grudge against him. My guess was that it stemmed from the bit of insecurity he held within him. Although, Zayn didn't have a reason to be insecure. He was beautiful in every aspect of the word, and I was average compared to him.

I reached out to grab a hold of his hand, and he allowed me to, doing his best to hide the small smile that made its way onto his lips at the action. I, however, didn't plan on hiding my smile. The rush that came with showing our relationship in public still felt new and amazing.

We arrived at the pizza shop, and Louis led the way in, immediately walking over to where Niall and Harry sat. He sat beside Harry, pressing a small kiss onto his lips, and I watched as Harry laughed into the kiss. Their happiness was something I wish came easily for Zayn and me as well.

Zayn and I sat beside each other while Drew and Niall exchanged some sort of handshake before laughing it off and sitting beside each other as well. I found myself feeling shocked about the sudden amount of people I had around me. I use to typically be alone, and I thought I liked it that way, but I never knew what I was missing; not until I almost lost it all.

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