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Another update for you all!

Names up above are the possible title names I have wittled a long list down to for Zayn's POV. Comment your fave or another option if you'd like. 😊

Niall's song completely crushed my heart and soul. My poor baby, WHO HURT YOU!? But I love it so much!

Also, this chapter is a bit of a slow one, but I figured it played an important role at showing just how comfortable and together Zayn and Liam truly are and how much at home Liam feels at Zayn's house. It shows how much their relationship truly develops, I hope.

I hope you all enjoy because I loved writing this one. 💕

Chapter 62:

     I was looking around the kitchen, trying to find all of the materials I needed to hopefully prepare a dinner. I didn't have money for takeout, and I really didn't want to call my mum to come down here and help. I wanted to prove to her and myself that I could do this, or that I could try. After all, I promised Colette that I would do my best to take care of things.

   "Need help?" Zayn questioned, walking into the kitchen. He was out in the garden, telling me that he wanted to make sure all of his aunt's plants were kept healthy and green as she was away.

    There was something calming about being here alone with Zayn. It was like his home was a little island that the two of us lived on. Nobody else could come onto the island and ruin it. Nobody could split us apart on the island. Nobody could ruin the little illusion of familiarity and comfort that we've created here, and in such a short time.

   "No. I can do this. I just... I need a pan," I confessed, giving up my search for them and looking at Zayn with hopeful eyes.

    He smiled in amusement and stepped into the kitchen, walking toward the back of the kitchen and opening up a cabinet that was filled to the brim with pots and pans and lids for each. He grabbed a pan that was a decent size, just enough for the both of us, and shut the cabinet behind him.

    "I'll take care of dinner. I do it sometimes when my aunt gets carried away with her gardening. You can go take a shower or watch television or anything. This house is just as much yours now as it is now," He reminded, not being able to hide his smile as he said those words. I knew it truly meant a lot to him.

    "Are you sure you don't need any help? I could do... well, something," I offered. I guess I just wanted to feel useful. I sort of wanted Zayn to depend on me for a while; the idea of it was pleasant. Being able to take care of someone you love sounds simply wonderful.

    "I'm sure," Zayn said, walking over to me and pressing a small peck on my lips. "I can do this. I know that you probably just want to help and take care of things, but I need to do something. Lately sitting around and doing nothing has been really challenging. I need to know that I'm still, I don't know, capable. That I can still function correctly," He expressed, and it made sense.

     We all knew that Zayn was mentally ill, and maybe it did seem like we were all tiptoeing around him like he was made of broken glass. It couldn't have felt nice to have everyone be so cautious of you because they saw you as hurt and depressed.

    "Okay," I finally said. I did have a strong urge to want to protect Zayn, eventhough I knew he was stronger and much more suited for the role of a protector, but maybe this was a part of caring for him. I had to let him be in control of his own decision.

    He moved to step away, but I pulled him back to me, closing my eyes as my lips met his. He automatically kissed back, and I thought back to a time when it wasn't always this easy. Someone was always hesitant, but not now. Not anymore.

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