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I think this is day 3 now of the week of updates, so it's been going alright so far. 👌

Now, this chapter is sort of a filler chapter, but it does involve certain topics and events that will take place sooner or later in the story.

I hope you all had a lovely holiday and are doing alright. Love you guys. 🌹

Chapter 75:

    I woke up the next morning to hear my mum's voice. She was louder than she should be for 6:50 a.m., so I rubbed my eyes and climbed out of bed, making my way to the living room to see what was bothering her.

   I peeked into the living room, seeing that she was on the phone, deep in conversation with whoever was on the other line. I listened intently, feeling dread overtake me as I realized exactly what the conversation was about.

     "No, no, please sir. Please. We were all promised another month or two. I- I can't provide for my son without this job. Please!" She begged, and I felt my heart clench inside of my chest. I've never heard my mum beg this way. She sounded so desperate, as if she would do anything. And it was all because she cared for me.

    "I'll take a temporary position at your office. You can cut my pay a bit. I'll do anything. Just... just please," She begged some more, and then I heard her voice break. "No. No, no, no. No, you can't-" She cut herself off, and I watched as she pulled the phone away from her ear, staring at disbelief.

    She was hung up on, abandoned in her time of need.

   "Dammit," She cursed out in a frustrated sob. She threw the phone down on the sofa before picking up the pile of bills that I left on the table last night.

  "Dammit, dammit, dammit!" She cursed, one hand running through her hair as she tore herself apart. She tossed the papers down, watching as they fluttered to the ground way too gently; their lightness becoming a mockery of her anger and despair.

    "What do I do? What am I going to do?" She mumbled to herself, sinking down onto the couch and hiding her face in her hands as she cried. And I remembered Colette's agreement.

    "Mum," I called, seeing her jump in surprise. She quickly wiped her eyes and looked at me, smiling despite the scene I just witnessed.

   "Yes, dear? What is it, Liam? What time did you get home last night, sweetheart?" She questioned, but I ignored it. I knew I could take the weight off of her shoulders with my announcement, so I had to.

    "We can't afford all of those bills. Not if we stay here," I informed, pointing at the scattered pieces of paper that now littered the floor and the coffee table.

    My mum looked over at the mess and gave a nod in defeat. "I know. I know. Your... your dad never told me that we were so far in debt. All of his drinking and partying and gambling. It did more damage than I thought. But I'll figure it out, love. You don't have to worry about it," She said, doing her best to comfort me.

    I knew that she felt obligated to take care of me-- she was the parent, it was her responsibility, but I wanted to return the favor. So I walked over to the couch and sat beside her, about to speak, but she beat me to it.

    "They're closing our branch this weekend. They said that they have insufficient funds. They can't keep us up and running and still make a profit from it at the same time. But I'll get another job. I will. I promise, Liam. It'll be a better job," She dismissed. I knew that she was only trying to calm my worries, but I knew that we would be okay.

    "Mum, I spoke to Colette," I began, and I saw the way she raised an eyebrow at me. "I told her about our money problems, and she said that we can move in with her and Zayn if we need to. Just until you find another job, and we can get back on our feet," I informed. Though I didn't get the reaction I expected.

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