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Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! And sorry the waiting in between chapters seems longer. They're just pounding on the school work.

Anyway, last time I asked this questioned was on chapter 11 (feels so long ago) but what's your favorite ziam moment now? I'm curious.

Hope you enjoy :)

Chapter 32:

    It was Sunday, and I was a bit less sore. I was glad when I woke up to the news that my dad had to go into work today. I wasn't looking forward to seeing him at all.

    I made my way to the store, my mum telling me that she needed more bread and milk. It was still quite early, so I enjoyed the silence on the streets, only a few cars driving by, but I was left walking through cold air without a jacket, fearing ever removing the one from under my pillow. My mum didn't seem to notice.

    I walked into the store, getting that casual customer greeting as I walked straight to the bread aisle. I grabbed the bread off of the shelf before moving to the milk section. Just as I was about to grab the milk and go, I heard my name being called.

    "Hey, Liam! How are you? Are you feeling any better?" I heard Harry ask, and I turned to him, seeing him standing there with a broom in his hand, pausing from cleaning the floors. He had a smile on his face, but his eyes held concern.

    "Oh, yeah, I'm feeling better. I guess it was just a stomach bug or something." I mumbled off near the end, grabbing the milk and feeling the coldness underneath my fingertips.

     "Glad to hear it." He said, pausing as if he wanted to say something, but decided against it. "Hey, maybe we can hang out today. Just you and me. Louis told me you write songs, and I... well, I could use some advice on my piece for the showcase." He said, but I could tell it's not what he wanted to say. Still, the offer sounded nice.

    "Um, yeah. What time?" I asked, knowing that it'd probably be in the afternoon since he clearly just started working.

    "I get off at three. Maybe you can give me your address, or we could meet somewhere-" He offered, and the second option sounded much better than risking my dad coming home early.

     "At the park." I insisted. "We can meet there, and then go to your house." Harry gave me a confused look before offering a little laugh and nodding, the same old smile forming on his face.

    "Great. I'll be there." He chuckled, going back to sweeping, and I nodded, waving goodbye to him as I walked away. I managed to get through the whole check out process rather quickly, and I began my walk home, thinking about everything that has happened up until this point.

    The pain was still evident throughout my body, but I was an expert at hiding it. I still felt bad for ruining the plans we all made yesterday, but Zayn repeatedly told me not to worry about it, that I came first. I've never been first to someone. Not truly.

      I thought about the first time I spoke to Zayn without knowing it was him. He was just a person crying in a restroom stall, and I hate the sound of other people's sadness. I offered him comfort, not knowing what he was going through; now I knew.

     I can't imagine what it's like to struggle with your sexuality the way Zayn has. I just always knew I was gay. That doesn't make it easy, though, not exactly. Not when the whole world sees you as a mistake, an error in the gentic code. But Zayn... Zayn denied the fact, hurting himself in the struggle. He tried to change himself, going as far as sleeping with a girl, but you can't change what the heart wants.

     What did my heart want? I knew it ached and cried out in agony and longing at the very thought of Zayn; seeing him in the morning with his hair flat and soft, his eyes fogged over with sleep, yet holding an adoring smile on his lips. How careful he was with me, always holding me and touching me with different levels of softness. He was a feather duster, gently brushing past me to cleanse all of the dust away.

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