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Alright, this chapter is nearly 9,000 words.

I would also like to point out that I am not a law expert, but I do know there is a specific order in which cases follow, but the story does not revolve around the trial, so I did not involve that order.

In other news, Harry's got a 2018 tour going ALREADY, Liam and Niall are performing at the Summertime Ball, and Louis is almost out with his music. I am living! (but broke) 😀

Anyway, we're not done yet, so continue reading. Love you all. ❤

Chapter 49:

I woke up earlier than I should have. The clock on Zayn's nightstand read 3:37 a.m. I sighed, feeling completely exhausted, but sleep wasn't an option. There was so much that was flooding through my mind, and I had no control over shutting it down.

My dad's hearing was today. My mum was probably a worried mess about it all, but I was just as afraid. I didn't know how to sit in front of people and discuss the worst part of my life to them. The very secret I've hidden for so long. I wasn't even strong enough to tell my own mother, and now I would be forced to tell complete strangers.

I closed my eyes, and I remembered the very first day my dad hit me. I was so young, and I was frozen in complete shock at the first blow.

"C'mon, Li. The baseball is in one of these boxes," My dad coaxed. I followed him to the stairs that led to the basement. It was awfully dark, and I wasn't a fan of the dark.

I stood at the top of the stairs, peering down into the darkness as he jogged down the steps and turned back to look up at me. "What's wrong, Liam?" He questioned. I leaned forward trying to see through the darkness, but I couldn't see a thing.

"It's dark," I stated, intertwining my fingers together nervously. I knew there must be a light somewhere, but I also knew I wouldn't be able to reach it. There was something unsettling to me about not being able to reach the light source. "And I thought we weren't suppose to be down here. Didn't you say there was mold?" I interrogated, attempting to get out of stepping foot into the basement.

"It'll only be a second. I'll turn the light on. I need your help to find the ball if we're going to play catch. Don't you want to be brave?" He replied, and I peered into the darkness again, nothing but pitch blackness, and I gave out a deep breath before nodding my head.

"O-okay. I can be brave," I decided. I set aside my fears and descended down onto the first step. I stood still for a moment, turning to look at the light in the hallway that seemed so welcoming. It wasn't too late to chicken out, but I looked back down at my dad, who gave an encouraging smile, and I knew I couldn't.

This was my chance to win him back. He's been crazy busy lately, and he seemed to be speaking to me less and less. It began to make me question whether it was a good idea to tell my mum and dad about my first crush. Because it wasn't on a girl-- rather it was on a boy.

I sucked up all of my childish fears and made my way down the rest of the stairs, stopping directly in front of my dad and looking up at him with a proud smile. He gave out a small chuckle and ruffled up my hair a bit.

"See? It's not so bad. Come on. I think it's back here somewhere," My dad said, turning to walk deeper into the basement, and I wondered why he didn't turn the light on now. It would help us see better, but I didn't want to question him too much. I didn't want to lose what we were slowly rebuilding.

"So, how's it going with that crush of yours? Are you over him yet?" He asked, and the tone in his voice sounded a little off, but I chose not to question it. I followed him, answering quietly.

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