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    Here's another chapter for you lovely people! It's more of a filler chapter in between Liam's transition, so I hope it's alright.

    Sin is up guys, and I will be updating chapter 2 directly aftet this. Feel free to read both.

    Also, 1 year since Sign of The Times was released, and I am so so so proud of Harry and how far he's come. Love him to pieces-- all of my boys, really. ❤

     Now, love to you all, and J.K.G. 😉

Chapter 94:

      "So it's your last day here?" Drew questioned. We were walking to music class, and though I was in a cheerful mood, I was also pretty anxious about going to a new school in the middle of the year. There would be so many changes, and I was willing to admit that I was afraid.

     "Yeah. I start Rosewood first thing Monday morning," I said. "Sorry it's just going to be you and Louis, by the way."

      We finally reached the door to the music room, and we stepped inside, making our way to our chairs. "It's fine. I'll just be the third-wheel whenever he wants us to go out and eat somewhere so he can meet with Harry," He said, but he didn't sound upset about it. He was completely joking, and I was glad he was taking things so lightly.

     I knew that Drew didn't particularly talk to a lot of people. He was the type of person who seemed like they knew everyone and would holler across a room full of people without any hesitation, but the truth was that he was rather introverted. Not shy, per se. He just liked to keep things to himself.

      "Well, Niall could always tag along. Then it'd be an even mix. And maybe Zayn and I could come over here during lunch time and just chat for a while," I said as he took our seats beside each other. The seat used to be Zayn's, but ever since he transferred, Drew has been the one to keep me company in music class.

     "Niall's welcome to come whenever he wants," He said with a shrug, and then the bell rang, ending our conversation.

    Class went on as usual. It felt as if nothing was really changing. It was just another day, but I knew that after today a lot would change. I would be delving into the world of creativity and music, and I was honestly afraid.

     There were a million fears that plagued my mind. What if I wasn't ready for this change? What if it would cause a new sort of competition betwern Zayn and I? What if I wasn't as good as everyone else? What if Mr. Cooper realized that I didn't amount to the potential he thought I could?

      I found myself breathing heavily again, and I closed my eyes as I sat against the wall, trying my best to regulate my breathing. Those thoughts weren't good to have, and I knew that I had to stop thinking that way. Doubting myself wouldn't help me in the slightest. If I wanted to do music, then I had to just trust myself and my talents.

     Slowly, my breathing began to fall into its typical steady rhythm, and I felt a bit of pride in myself for controlling myself. Even if it was the pill at work, I knew that it was only an aid to the problem.

     "How are you feeling about your last day?" Mrs. Michaelson's voice suddenly sounded out from in front of me.

     I looked up at her to see her smiling brightly at me. "You know?" I asked. I haven't said a word of it to anybody but Drew, so I was very surprised that Mrs. Michaelson even knew about Rosewood.

     "I got a call from a Mr. Cooper yesterday. He seems very excited to have you as his student. He was asking me about your musical abilities, seeing how you work best and such. I promise I said all good things," She admitted with a small laugh, and I realized how thankful I was for her. And I knew I could trust her.

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