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Today is a good day because... IT'S LOUIS' BIRTHDAY! He's really such an incredible human being, and he is someone who holds my highest respect. I admire the things he does and his strength. He is one of my main reasons for smiling, and I hope he has a fantastic day today.

Also, welcome to the week of updates! I will be doing my best to write and publish seven chapters this week, one per each day, starting today. This is the first chapter this week.

I hope that I can accomplish this, and I hope that you all enjoy it!

Love you all. 💕

Chapter 74:

"No. Absolutely not," Colette insisted. She immediately refused the idea of allowing Zayn to ever visit his father. She seemed appalled that we had even suggested the fact.

I had work soon, but I walked home with Zayn after leaving the graveyard. We were there for quite a while just sitting and talking in front of his mum's grave. Sometimes we would laugh over random things we said to each other, and sometimes I would comfort Zayn when a sudden wave of sadness flooded over him. Every moment managed to twist, squeeze, and tug at my heartstrings in its own way.

In a way, the visit to the graveyard meant a lot to me. I knew that I would never be able to truly meet Zayn's mum, would never understand just how wonderful of a woman she was, but I could feel her spirit, and I knew that her spirit loved on through Zayn. His joy reflected hers, his smile a close resemblance, his pure heart obtained from her, and his ability to love to no end taught by her. And I found myself more thankful for her than ever before.

Now that Zayn was back home, we were trying to convince Colette to allow Zayn to see his dad. We explained that Zayn felt like he was ready to meet his father face to face. It was honestly a terrifying thought to me, and I was caught between supporting Zayn or agreeing with Colette, but I had to stick up for Zayn if he thought it would help him.

"Why not? You know where he's locked up at," Zayn reminded her, and she stopped cleaning for a moment to turn and look at us.

"Yes, I do know where he's being held. But that doesn't mean I'm going to willingly put you in harm's way. I will not allow you to visit him. It'll be like putting you in a cage with the devil himself. And who knows how it will impact you," She said. I could hear the emotion creeping up inside of her, but Zayn seemed blind to it.

"I need to do this," Zayn spoke loudly, and I saw the way his breathing slightly picked up. "Okay? I need to know that I can win. That he can't hurt me anymore. I need to forgive him somehow because if I don't, then he will always have me in his clutches. I will never be freed. Please?" He almost begged, but Colette still shook her head.

"No. No, Zayn. I can't," She said quickly, trying to put an end to the conversation.

"Why can't you just help me?" Zayn said loudly, and Colette replied instantly.

"Because you're my nephew and my responsibility!" She screamed, finally snapping. Everything was registered at the same time. I held my breath at her tone, Zayn seemed shocked that his aunt actually yelled at him, and Colette seemed to realize it, but her emotions were far too strong in the moment, even if she did feel regret.

"I sat back for years doing nothing while that- that monster of a man tortured you because I was too blind to see what was going on! I was too busy hurting from losing a man who could never matter to me as much as you do because I was so in love for once! I was too busy welcoming your father into my home, thinking that he was someone who was so noble, honest, and sweet. I did that. And I will not screw up again by doing this," She raged, but it was clear that all of the anger was toward herself. And now I was the one who was shocked.

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