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Question: What has been your favorite moment or chapter so far?

(Doing dollars in this chapter because I was too tired to worry about converting money)

Chapter 11:

"Where are we going?" I asked, walking behind Zayn as the wind blew harder. I tried to suppress my shivers, and I did a good job at it. I usually did.

"Shopping." He answered before turning to me. "Give me your backpack." He requested, and I looked at him, cautious of giving away my things to him. "Just do it." He sighed, and I took it off, giving it to him. "Wait here."

He walked away, disappearing down the street and then turning through some trees. I stood on the sidewalk, looking around and feeling guilty. I was never good at doing daring things. I was so nervous about getting caught skipping. I didn't want another detention. I was sure Drew would be there. He seemed like a constant resident ever since we first met.

I watched a woman walking to her car, afraid that she would see me and ask questions about why I wasn't in school, but she only looked up and smiled before getting into her car and carrying on with her day. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and rubbed my arms with my hands, feeling them begin to become so numb that it hurt. A stinging pain that was icy cold. I jumped as a jacket was wrapped around my shoulders -- a leather jacket.

"You scared the hell out of me!" I scolded Zayn, seeing him laugh at me.

"Calm down, princess. Nobody is going to care about a couple of teens skipping a day of school. Now, let's go. The mall won't get busy until another hour or so. We've gotta beat the people traffic." He said.

"Well take your jacket back. I don't need it." I said, trying to deny the warmth I felt. Zayn's scent also lingered on the jacket, making me want to hold onto it tightly and just sniff it. It was a weird thought actually.

"Seems like you do. Your shivering. Besides, I don't see you making a move to take it off." He pointed out, and he was right. In fact, I was doing the opposite. My fingers gripped onto the leather like a vice, as if the jacket was my lifeline that I didn't want to let go of. I looked down in embarrassment and put my arms through the jacket sleeves. I looked up, seeing a look of near admiration in Zayn's eyes. Why was he so complicated?

"So, um, the mall." I muttered out, seeing Zayn nod and walk on as if nothing had happened. Why did I suddenly want to awknowledge what happened in that moment though?

I rolled up the sleeves a bit, the jacket only being a tad bit longer on me as a whole because Zayn was just that bit taller. I had to admit that I liked the fact that I was only as tall as his forehead. But it's not like it would ever matter.

"Alright, I've got about three hundred dollars. You got any money?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"I don't have a job or allowance. No way to get money." I said. "I can just look wait somewhere while you shop. Sit on the benches outside of stores." I suggested, and he shook his head.

"The first thing we're doing is buying you a jacket." He announced, and I was going to object, which I guess he knew because he stopped me. "And, yes, I don't have to, but I'm going to. Can't have you miss school and leave me bored, remember?" He pointed out.

I don't know why I kept thinking he was kind for another reason. Yes, I knew I wanted Zayn to like me but that was such a peculiar thought. It'd never happen. Zayn was straight, homophobic, and my bully. He had no romantic feelings toward me, and I wasn't sure I wanted him to, honestly.

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