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Thank you guys so much for 800k reads! I am literally so thankful for all of the incredible support, and (yes) I'm thankful for the critics as well. I never imagined this storu would ever get this far. The goal is 1 million before the story is over, but we'll see. Thank you guys! 💕

Also, I am proud and inspired by everyone going out today and marching. Something should definitely be done about guns because nobody deserves to feel afraid, not in a place where they should feel safest. No more blood needs to be shed nor lives lost. #MarchForOurLives


Chapter 92:

"Liam! Zayn! Louis and Harry are here to see you," Colette called through the door after knocking lightly. It's been a few hours since my mum and Colette both arrived back home, and Zayn and I were currently both writing lyrics and melodies to go with them. Well, Zayn was. I was trying to, but I felt blocked and uninspired.

     "Did you invite them?" I asked Zayn, and he sighed, closing his song journal and shaking his head.

     "If I did invite them over today, we would have definitely locked the door earlier," He said with a smirk, and I couldn't help but blush and look away from him, making him laugh lightly at my reaction. I could already feel the soreness from having Zayn in me, but it felt nice, and the visuals that were stuck in my head were pleasing.

   "Besides, I wouldn't have been interrupted in the middle of a song because of them," He sighed as he stood from the bed and moved to place his journal away in the dresser. I knew how special his songs were to him, and I felt guilty all over again over the one I ripped up.

     "Zayn, I'm sorry about the song. It was a stupid thing to do, and I was just feeling jealous and insecure and spiteful. I know you worked hard on it, and I know it meant a lot to you. I'm sorry," I apologized, closing my own notebook and watching Zayn turn to me with a shrug.

     "It's okay. I deserved it and more. I should have just talked to you about what I was working on so late. I shouldn't have been so blind to how you were feeling. I'm suppose to be your boyfriend. I'm suppose to take care of you," He said, walking toward the bed and sitting down beside me.

     "How were you suppose to take care of me when I never told you how I felt? All of it was my fault, really," I admitted, but Zayn immediately shook his head as he reached out his hand and intertwined it with mine.

    "No it's not. It's was all miscommunication and a lack of shared time. But you should never feel jealous, Liam. I've only ever had eyes for you. I don't even know what it is to even glance at another person when I finally have you as my own," He said sweetly, and I couldn't meet his eyes at the compliment. It was far too real, and I felt myself blush slightly as I did my best not to smile like a complete fool.

     "And I hate that you feel so insecure because you are the most beautiful person I've ever known. You're kind and forgiving, and you love with your whole heart. I can't believe you thought I was cheating on you. Please don't ever think that I would want anybody else. You're it, Liam. For me, you're it," He said, and I was frozen in both astonishment and down right terror.

     Yes, I was definitely in love with Zayn. I've known that for longer than I even admitted to it, but to hear those words and what they implied was terrifying. To call someone it for you was not something to say lightly. I didn't know if it was in the spur of the moment or if Zayn was being honest about his feelings.

     It implied that there could be no one else that they could love the same way. There was nobody else they could even think about wanting. There was no breakup they feared in the future because the person they were with was the one for them. And I felt terrible that I couldn't say the same thing back.

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