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Chapter 4:

"Here we are." I announced as Drew followed me all the way to the back fence. The trees were all nice and pretty after cutting off all of the necessary branches, and I felt glad to be back here where I was safe- where no one could bother me. It was my own personal area, and maybe now I could share it with someone who won't make my life a living hell.

"So no one comes back here at all?" Drew asked as he followed behind me, both of us walking closer and closer to the fence. I loved leaning against it and just feeling the cool metal against the shirt on my back. It was almost calming, knowing that I may be stuck at a school full of hateful people, but that I won't be bothered by them when I was stalking around the edge of the cage we were trapped in. Like walking around the danger.

"Nope. Everyone else eats in the lunch room. I usually just sit and read. It's calming." I said, smiling as I felt a light gust of wind blow, loving the small raise of goosebumps on my arms. "The only time anyone came back here was yesterday when the workers were cutting the tree branches. Nobody will bother us." I finished, finally getting to the fence and turning as Drew said "Good."

It all happened so quickly, and I had no clue what even really happened. I just knew that Drew was pinning me harshly against the fence, a pain in my back from the harsh slam, the cool metal under my skin and shirt, a deep pain and the spill of blood from a loose piece of metal scraping my arm from the fence. I was so shocked as I looked at Drew, a smug and dangerous look on his face. "Wha-what-" I tried, but he interrupted me with a knee to my abdomen, making me attempt- and fail- to bend over in pain.

"You're really stupid, do you know that? Did you actually think that I was your friend? A little ugly, worthless, goodie two shoes fag like you? I hate even being near you, breathing the same air as you. You deserve a good ass kicking for just being alive." He growled, and it hurt. It hurt worse than Zayn's bullying ever did because I always knew where I stood with Zayn, but I thought Drew could possibly be my first friend.

"Wh-why?" I managed to gasp out as I got another knee to my stomach, knocking the air out of me. I felt breathless, but Drew seemed to like that if the sadistic smirk on his face was anything to go off of. The worse part was that he was kicking the exact same spots that my father beat me at last night. I felt like the cuts were opening up again, like blood was sliding down my skin, but I knew it wasn't. Yet.

"Why? Because you're a living fucking sin! It's disgusting. Pretending to be your friend was just to give myself a bit more kick out of it. It was worth it just to see the betrayed look on your helpless little face." He laughed, squeezing my face in his hand. "And that Zayn guy, he's good at scaring you, but you shouldn't worry about him. You should worry about me because I can make your life a living hell. You don't know what pain is yet, princess." He said, mocking Zayn's nickname, and I panicked.

I tried to break out of his hold and run, but he only laughed and slammed me back against the fence. "Where the fuck do you think you're going you little bitch?" He said before I felt hit fist make contact with my face, hitting me straight in the eye, and I knew it would bruise. I didn't have much time to tend to that pain though as he threw another punch to my jaw, making me hiss in pain, but not yell. I tried to never yell. It was one thing I wouldn't allow easily.

All I felt was kick after kick, punch after punch, push after push as he threw me around like I was a ragdoll. I tried my best to fight back, but I was so sore and weak from the continuous beatings I take every single day of my life. It was all so painful, but why wasn't I use to the pain? Or numb to it?

I groaned as Drew threw me on the ground. I knew my mouth was bleeding and I probably looked a mess. He threw one more kick to my side, making me wheeze for air, and then he was yanking on my hair, picking my head up so I looked him in the eyes. He chuckled and said "You didn't yell or cry, I'll give you that, but I'll break you. I'm going to ruin your life, make you regret ever fucking speaking to me." He said, and I wanted to say that he spoke to me first, but I held that in, knowing it wouldn't be smart to say right now.

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