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I am sooo sorry this update has taken so long, but it's here now! So many things are going on at school and at home, but I've managed to make time.

Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive with everything from reading to helping me out in real life. Thank you, truly.

I'm not really sure how many chapters are left, but I'm going to say that we still have a decent way to go. Not over yet, guys.

Hope you enjoy. Love you all. :)

Chapter 59:

"This is the wonderful place that I call home," Louis commented as he led me through his front door. The very first thing I noticed about the home was that it wasn't too big, but it was incredibly nice.

The entryway led to the living room, which had two sofas, a flat screen TV, a glass coffee table with a flower vase on top of it, cream-colored curtains that covered long rectangular windows and complemented the lightly tanned wall, and a lamp in either corner on the far side of the room that emitted just the right amount of light. In other words, it was homey and stunning.

"That's a lot of seating. I'm assuming you have a lot of siblings?" I questioned. I know he had sisters, but I wasn't sure just how big Louis' family was.

"More like a lot of sisters. Five of them to be exact. Then I have one little brother who is a dream come true," He said, pretending to resent his large family, but the fondness in his voice betrayed him. I could tell that Louis honestly loved everyone in his family.

"Sometimes I wonder what it's like to have a sibling," I confessed as Louis beckoned for me to follow him down the hallway. There were plenty of rooms both downstairs and upstairs, but I was more than content to allow Louis to give me a little tour.

"Well, there's a lot of bickering that goes on, but we get passed it. And when you're the oldest you just feel protective over each and every one of them. I love them all, but they get on my nerves at the same time," He laughed before pausing at the first door and knocking on it.

"This is the oldest girls' room. The white-haired one's Lottie and the brunette is Fizzy. Well, that's just their nicknames, but you understand," As soon as he finished informing me, the door was pulled open to reveal a girl with white hair- Lottie.

"What do you want, Lou?" She questioned, sounding a bit irritated, and I heard music playing inside of the room. It sounded like some rock band- not too hard core, but rock was never my go-to music choice.

"Where's Fizzy?" He asked, and another girl came jogging toward the door from inside of the room and smiled at Louis, her eyes shifting over to me, and she immediately looked down at the floor.

"That's Lottie, that's Fizzy, and this is Liam," Louis properly introduced us, and I awkwardly held my hand out for them to shake. Lottie shook my hand with a polite smile, saying that it was nice to meet me. Fizzy shook my hand shyly, and I smiled kindly at her as she blushed a light shade of pink.

"It's nice to meet you both," I offered before waiting patiently as Louis conversed with both of them for a few seconds before leading me away down the hall.

"Should have known Fizzy would take a liking to you. She's into the whole innocent-eyed thing, and you're basically the definition of puppy eyes," Louis commented as we walked down the hall, and I felt a bit awkward. I don't think I've ever been liked by any girl, and it was even more weird because it was Louis' sister. Plus, I wasn't exactly interested in girls.

We stopped in front of another door, and Louis only pushed it open, revealing a small gaming room where two girls sat playing a built in Mario Kart game. Of course.

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