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Here's the update! AND FUCKING HARRY STYLES, MAN! 😭😭😭

A few announcements:

1) I have no clue if I will be able to update next week because this week is a major testing week for me, and I'm already pretty sleep deprived. But I'll do my best.

2) I have started a playlist for this story that will gradually grow over time. It is on spotify, and the user is wxttpxdmusic. I will try to post a link as well.

3) Finally, I want to say thank you. I haven't been in the best place mentally, but everything I go through and every at seems worth it when I read all of the amazing comments and feel happy. So thank you.

The story's not over yet! We've got a long way to go, so strap in and enjoy this chapter :)

Chapter 42:

I woke up in Zayn's arms, feeling warm and loved. It was a feeling I never wanted to lose, so I laid as still as possible. But it still never felt close enough. So I shifted onto my opposite side, facing Zayn and burying my face into his side, feeling completely enveloped by him and his scent.

And I thought about last night. The music Zayn wrote was so beautiful. There was so much tragedy behind the notes that eventually became replaced by so much safety and security. The way he arranged and played out the whole thing... it would be obvious to anyone that the song was referring to something deep. It would be obvious what it was about. And I found myself wanting to learn how to play even more now. I wanted to be able to play the song with him, to expose its full magnificence.

I thought about the song, its melody, its meaning. And I began to hum softly, thinking of every single emotion I've felt since my first ever interaction with Zayn. Even the very first interaction with him when I never even knew who it was. And I thought about how much he meant to me now.

There was a knock on the door, and I looked up, watching as it was opened up. Zayn's aunt stood there, taking in the scene before her before smiling slightly. The strange part was that I didn't really feel embarrassed by the obvious affection that was showing. She knew how I felt, and she knew how Zayn felt. Besides, eventhough Zayn was topless, I was fully clothed in a shirt and pajama pants. Both were Zayn's, but it was the thought that counted.

"Of course that boy isn't awake." She commented, looking over at Zayn and shaking her head, and I was surprised when Zayn began stirring, turning his body toward me and letting out a groan.

"If you're going to talk about me, I'd prefer if it wasn't while I was sleeping." He mumbled out, his lips gently moving against my skin with every word he spoke as he pulled me closer, hiding his face away in the crook of my neck. And now I was a bit embarrassed, but his aunt didn't seem to mind.

"It's true. He's usually not awake at this time. Guess he doesn't want to miss a minute with you." She teased, making my cheeks heat up a bit, but she continued on speaking. "Alright you two, I have to go pick up some art supplies. I made omelets, so you might want to hurry before they get cold. They're never as good heated up again." She said, stepping further into the room and pressing a kiss on Zayn's head, which was natural, but I was stunned as she did the same to me.

It was that type of parental reassurance that my mum couldn't give me. Not now. But maybe I wasn't even letting her.

"Love you both. Gotta run." She smiled before waving goodbye and walking out of the room. I was stuck in that same thought until I felt Zayn press a kiss to my neck.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked, suddenly feeling as if I'd been caught.

He pulled his face out of my neck and looked up at me, a sleepy smile on his face that I couldn't help but find absolutely endearing. It made me feel special to know that I made him this way. I was the reason behind his happiness just as he was the reason behind mine.

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