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Chapter update!

I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's day, and if you didn't have a valentine, remember that you're still worth it, lovelies. I didn't have one either, but someday love will be centered around more than a measly day.

Also, last chance to guess what P-T-R meant! The hint is in chapter 72, Reliant. Happy searching!

Warning: Please read this chapter carefully, especially near the end. It does deal with the feeling of loneliness and guilt and envy. Please know that I am always here to talk, guys.

I love you all. 💕

Chapter 87:

I sat back against the school fence, feeling far too defeated to sit at our regular lunch table with Louis and Drew. How was I suppose to sit around them and smile when I felt like doing anything but? How was I suppose to pretend that my day was going fine when I didn't even want to be at this school any longer?

I sighed in frustration, and I jumped as I heard my name being called from the distance. I looked up and felt my heart drop as I saw Louis and Drew walking toward me with confused looks on their faces. I debated on standing up and walking away before they could reach me, but there was no use. Louis would find another way to chat with me.

"Liam, what are you doing out here? Why aren't you in the lunch room?" Louis questioned as soon as the both of them reached me. They stood over me for a second before realizing that I was in no mood to answer their questions.

I watched as they shared a look before both deciding to sit down across from me. I averted my eyes, not wanting to see the pity on either of their faces, and I stared down at the yellowing grass and nearly dead flower as if they were the most interesting things in the entire world.

"I didn't get in," I said quietly, hearing Louis let out a deep breath at my statement.

"Yeah, and it's complete bullocks. I'm going to talk to Harry about it after school because it just doesn't seem right. He said that everyone loved your audition," Louis replied, seeming deeply confused by the whole thing as well.

"They might have, but they obviously loved four others better," I announced, forcing a smile onto my face as I met their eyes, doing my best to show that I was fine-- that I could handle this disappointment and pain.

"So screw them," Drew said, breaking the silence that fell over the three of us. I met his eyes, and he seemed to be completely serious in his words.

"Honestly, if that damn board can't see true talent and potential right in front of them, then to hell with that school," He slandered, and Louis quickly spoke up.

"My boyfriend was on that damn board," He defended, almost daring Drew to say one more word.

"Okay, and maybe Harry tried to get Liam a spot, but maybe all of the others were being stupid bitches," He justified, making Louis shrug, not really having an opinion on any of the others.

"Maya's a nice girl," I said in a small voice. Truly, almost everyone on that board seemed to be good, genuine people. They didn't seem rude or stupid, and I wondered how much the must have praised other performances as well. Everyone there was obviously talented.

"Whatever, Liam! What I'm trying to say is that you're probably just too good for that school, so they didn't want to risk having major competition," Drew reasoned, but I couldn't believe a word of it.

     "If they didn't want any major competition, then they made a huge mistake in allowing Zayn to attend," I said, not being able to stop a small smile from filling my lips at the very thought of Zayn's talent. It was truly impactful.

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