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You were leaning against the restroom wall, patiently waiting for Hermès. Reading all the odd little things people had decided to carve into the bathroom walls.

"What if she doesn't show up?" Inquired Dio, nonchalantly laying in the air. He didn't want you making too many new friends. That'd just mean more enemies he'd have later on. More people you'd hate him for killing.

"Then that would mean she's probably in trouble." You didn't think Hermès would just ditch you. Especially when she wanted answers. "But it's only been five minutes. I'm not worried."

Then the door knob raddled, and Hermès stuck her head through the crack of the door, "(Y/N), you're here." She took you by the arm and dragged you into an empty stall. The Costello excitedly pulled out the disk from under her shirt, "Okay, let's see what this can do!"

"Is that money in the disk?" You could see some sort of reflection along the plastic. A hand holding some fifty dollar bills.

"Yeah... you're right. I can see something inside it." Hermès moved the disc closer to her face to get a better look. And she ended up getting a very good look as it actually slid into her head. You could see the image on the disc changing, as if playing a video. "I-I can hear someone talking!"

"Whitesnake..." You recognized the Stand as it appeared on the disc. "That's the Stand that can remove people's Stands and memories! He must have affected your thief in some way. What is he saying?"

"Aaaah!" She wasn't exactly in a state to respond. The disc popped out of Hermès head, rejecting her, and plopped into the toilet as she was pushed out of the stall from the force created. "Th-That definitely felt like I was watching someone else's memories!"

You rushed over to her side, "Are you in pain at all? Did using the disc hurt?"

She quickly shook her head, "No, not really. It was just weird at first. Made me kinda nauseous. But I think my thief's name is McQueen. He's working with the thing you called Whitesnake. But I didn't see that Stand at all when the discs popped out of McQueen's head. Maybe I just hit him too hard with the brooms...?"

You heard the squelching of a mop along the bathroom floor. It was McQueen himself. He had part of his blonde hair shaved into the shape of an M. His attire consisted of a short sleeve shirt and some fuzzy pants. "I heard you were sniffing around for info on me. I have experience being followed, you know..." Hermès got up to her feet cautiously. "but I've never been followed by a woman before, never mind two."

Hermès eyed the toilet the disc has fallen into, before giving her attention to McQueen. "Listen to me, Fuckface! A lot has happened to me recently and I'm really confused! But I just want to know who you are! Plus, you ejected a disc from your face, that makes you the real creep here!"

It started as a steady drip, but soon tears cascaded down his cheeks like a waterfall. He also gained a case of uncontrollable sniffles and his nose was basically a leaky faucet. "I'm so pathetic... I can't remember..."

"Hermès... maybe you were a little harsh?" Although, the dude was definitely crying more than any normal person. Was it even possible to produce that many tears?

"Don't make it seem like it's my fault!" Shouted the Costello, who was annoyed with McQueen's incessant bawling. "He's the one who stole money from me in the sickroom yesterday night. And there's no way he's a normal person! The second disk must be a Stand or whatever you called it."

"Money!" His eyes lit up in recognition, "That's right! I have a lot of money hidden somewhere! But... I forgot where!" He cried into his hands. "I can't remember where it is even though I'm the one who hid it! I'm so pathetic!"

The Ludicrous Escapade Pt.3Where stories live. Discover now