Morioh 2.0

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Early the next morning, the three of you slowly made your way off the boat, carrying any excess bags and leading your horses off at the same time.

A person waiting nearby handed you a note and then passed a sealed envelope to the Zeppeli.

Crowds of people were waiting. They all cheered, though most of it seemed aimed toward Norisuke Higashikata. It was his hometown, after all.

After taking the paper you squinted up at the sky. "Huh. I guess it's still blue here."

Gyro followed your line of sight. "The sky is usually blue, (Y/N)."

"Not in Morioh..." You wondered if it would change color over the years.

Johnny eyed the envelope in Gyro's hands. "But what's that for?"

"Probably nothing." He shoved it into his back pocket.

The next stop was securing a house. You had sent a letter before your initial departure after doing a little research, requesting for someone to have things ready for when you arrived. Based on the note handed to you, everything was rolling smoothly.


"What do you think of this house?" The man stood patiently by the door as the three of you stood in the living room. He had just given you all a brief tour. It was the third house he had showed. "The current owner's listed price is well within your budget. They used to own their own horses, so there is already some stables out back that only require a bit of cleaning."

After a brief deliberation, Gyro announced the decision. "I think we'll take this one." He pulled out his wallet and started counting out some bills. "But we'll be moving in now, is that okay?"

The dealer bowed his head slightly. "Of course. Also, all furniture was included with the price, so you can keep it until you decide to refurnish. I can finish all the necessary paperwork and bring by anything needing your signature later. You wanted shared ownership, correct?"


He gladly accepted Gyro's money once it was handed to him. "If you have any questions or problems, do not hesitate to contact me." With that he made his exit.

You took a seat on the couch, getting a feel for it. "Well, home sweet home, I guess."

"Three bedrooms and two bathrooms... not too shabby." Gyro was happy with his purchase. The town seemed nice, too. Perhaps he would end up spending more time here than he initially thought.

Johnny wore a content smile. It was his first time having an actual place of his own. Sure, he shared ownership with you and Gyro, but it was different from just living with his family or renting a torn up apart building. Even better yet, was that he got to share this moment with his two favorite people.

"Should we go get our horses back from the Higashikatas?" Asked Johnny. Norisuke and Rina had offered to look after them while you were all house hunting.

"You can do that without me. I'll clean up the stables in the meanwhile." Gyro just wanted to make sure everything was ready for his loyal steed by the time it was brought over.

"Sounds good. Let's go then, Johnny." You did your best to follow the map Norisuke had sketched out for you, eventually arriving at their abode.

"Johnny?" Rina spotted the Joestar as she was brushing Slow Dancer. "You must be here for your horses, right? Does that mean you succeeded in finding a house?" She shyly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Perhaps we'll see each other around more often."

"Maybe." Johnny wasn't really paying much attention to her, more focused on his horse.

"I see you have a forest nearby." You were admiring the trees for a moment.

The Ludicrous Escapade Pt.3Where stories live. Discover now