Musical Masterpiece

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Eight days into the fifth stage, the three of you found yourselves riding through some corn fields. The Mississippi River was around 2 km away.

Johnny looked through a pair of binoculars he had bought back in Kansas City. "Poco Loco's coming. I also see Hot Pants and Dot Han. Sandman is ahead of us, and he's probably in the lead. But..." He shook his head. "There's someone else, but I can't make out who it is through the the rows of corn."

You spotted a small barn not too far away. "Do you guys want to take a short break? Even if we rest here, the others won't be able to get much of a lead."

Johnny nodded. "I think we need to start thinking of a way to cross the Mississippi."

"Yeah..." Gyro then turned to you and Johnny. "Hey, I just thought of a song. I just made it up. Lyrics and tune, both written by Gyro Zeppeli. Do you want to hear it?" He pointed at you. "I'll sing it for you if you want..."

"...You seem pretty nonchalant about all of this..." Johnny wished the guy would focus just a little bit more.

"Maybe (Y/N)'s indifference is just rubbing off on me." Gyro nudged you with his elbow. "Now, do you want to hear it or not? I'm not gonna sing it twice, you know."

"Wait a second." You discreetly had your Stand slip you your phone and then hit record with it in your pocket. If he was only going to sing it once, you might as well. "Okay, I'm ready." You gave him a thumbs to get started.

"The title is 'The Cheese Song.'" Gyro cleared his throat.

"Pizza, mozzarella~♪ Pizza, mozzarella~ ♪ Rella rella rella rella rella rella~♪"

"...And that's how it goes! What do you think? The second verse repeats with Gorgonzola. Zola zola zola zola zola zola~♪" He leaned real close to you. "So? Whaddya think?"

You closed your eyes in thought as you ended the recording and slipped the phone back to Wamuu. "That was really good, Gyro! I really liked it! One might even call it a masterpiece!"

"Really?!" He pulled you into a side hug of sorts while you were still both on your horses.

Johnny nodded along. "Yeah, it really gets stuck in your head. Especially the 'rella rella' part. I think it would definitely be a hit in Europe!"

"You think so, too?! I've been secretly thinking that this whole time! Could either of you write a score sheet for it?"

"Sure. I'll do it later." You unmounted Moxy, humming the tune to Gyro's song as you set up a makeshift fire pit. The Zeppeli went off to inspect the barn.

"Maybe we should form a band." Johnny placed a kettle over the fire.

"Sure, why not?" You took a seat next to him. "Do you play any instruments?"

"Maybe the harmonica? But I guess I could learn to play the guitar..." Johnny scooted a little closer to you. "What about you?"

"If you're doing guitar and Gyro is on vocals, then perhaps I'll be in charge of percussion." You made drumming motion with your hands. "Someone has to make sure you two keep to the beat."

"By the way..." Gyro stepped out of the barn. "I received this letter when we were passing the halfway point between Kansas City and Chicago. A while back I wrote a coded letter and sent it to the Vatican. I asked about the identity of the corpse. This was their answer. I want to know what you guys think. What's your opinion?" He handed the letter to you.

You held it so Johnny could read it, too. It essentially said that there weren't any records of a saint like the corpse pieces you had all found.

"I mean... I frankly have no idea." Johnny wasn't afraid to admit it. "You are the only one who seems to think the corpse is a saint. Maybe the corpse has nothing to do with the Vatican."

The Ludicrous Escapade Pt.3Where stories live. Discover now