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Moxy ran up to you, having been following after the train. "Hey, girl. You doing okay?" You stood up, and walked over to her, brushing through her mane with your hand. She let out a soft whinny, glad to see you still seemed fine. So you started opening a bag to put a new sock and shoe on the foot you had recently lost.

Diego watched, still sitting on the ground. "How many times have you saved me, now? At this rate I might think you actually do like me."

"Oh, please." You mounted Moxy. "Just be grateful I saved your sorry ass..." But you were smiling to yourself. You wouldn't go so far as to say you liked him, but you were glad he wasn't dead.

"Of course I'm grateful..." He chuckled to himself as he began to stand, but he soon inhaled sharply and fell back onto his bum. Only now did Diego notice that one of his own legs had gotten twisted up amidst the tumble. He looked around. "Shit... where's Silver Bullet?"

You took a quick glance at the surrounding fields."I have no idea. But I'm gonna be honest, it's probably for the best if you stay out of this fight. Not that I think you're weak or anything, but I'm planning to bring out the Dio from my universe for this fight, and I'm assuming you don't want to be annihilated."

Diego did not seem pleased with your suggestion in the slightest. Especially since he felt like you were suggesting that this other version of himself was superior in some way. He rolled his eyes. "Fine. You can consider this repayment for saving me or whatever. But you better make sure Valentine dies."

"Trust me, that's the plan. However many times it takes." You then turned to Wamuu who was now sitting behind you on Moxy. "Are you ready?" You had Moxy trot a few more feet away from Diego just to be on the safe side.

The Pillar Man let out a small sigh. "I suppose so. I do think this should improve our chances of victory. Theoretically Dio should be able to kill all the Valentines within frozen time. And he should hopefully be unfamiliar with such an ability."

Due to what Rohan wrote, Dio could only be out for an hour. You hoped he would make the most of it. "I agree. What I'm most worried about is whatever new ability the President got. Not to mention, I left Hot Pants on the train. Valentine will probably return there, so I hope she and Lucy will be able to manage..." But you had a feeling that wouldn't quite be the case.

So without further ado, you unzipped Wamuu's torso and replaced the ring with Dio's scarf.

The vampire looked around, taking in his surroundings. "Wamuu informed me of the situation, but..." He gestured to Diego. "Are you positive that's the other me? He doesn't look anywhere near as strong..." He gave the man another once over. "...or attractive as I am. The others must've been lying when they said you like this one more."

"Well, Diego isn't responsible for the majority of the problems in my life, unlike somebody..." You stared at the vampire.

"No wonder she likes me better..." Diego eyed your Stand, similarly unimpressed. "And your fashion sense leaves much to be desired."

Dio scoffed. "You just don't have good taste."

"Hah! I bet you can't even turn into a dinosaur!" Diego let his body semi transform, trying to intimidate the vampire.

"Oh, yeah?" Dio folded his arms and raised his chin up high as he bared his fangs. "I bet you can't even freeze time!"

"Both of you, just shut up... We're running on limited time here. And if you two try to fight each other, all three of us will literally die. So... yeah." And you really needed to catch up with the train before it got too late. "I'll see you around, Diego." You got Moxy sprinting again, first aiming to reunite with Johnny and Gyro.

The Ludicrous Escapade Pt.3Where stories live. Discover now