Lackluster Performance

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You, Johnny, and Gyro rode your horses slowly down the dirt road. It was lined with leafless trees and the occasional house. None of you felt like you were in much of a hurry anymore, since the chance to have gotten first place for the seventh stage had already passed.

In a minute or two, the three of your crossed the finish line.

"And here we are, in one of the country's oldest cities." The announcer was going on a little history lecture. "Our country's former capital, where famous men like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson resided! This brand new parkway was also the sight of the 1876 centennial exposition! And now, approaching us from the southern residential district are..." He paused for dramatic effect. "Gyro Zeppeli coming in at 6th! And in 7th place is Johnny Joestar. And, of course, finishing off the trio, is (Y/N) (L/N) in eight place!"

"But it looks like our three racers have thoroughly exhausted themselves during this stage." The announcer continued speaking. "Gyro Zeppeli even has his eyes cast down to the ground. They've finished roughly forty-five minutes behind first place. This is especially disappointing considering that they were fan favorites in this stage's bet!"

"We have nothing to work off of anymore..." Mumbled Johnny so that only you and Gyro would be privy to the conversation. "He took all of the corpse parts, even our pieces of the spine. Everything. We'll never find that final part that should be hidden somewhere, the remaining head. What should we do, guys? We don't have much time. What am I supposed to do now?" Johnny felt lost.

Three dudes in the crowd glanced at each other before pulling out guns. They didn't get a chance to fire as Johnny shot one with his nails and you and Gyro took the others out with your steel balls. None of you batted an eye and just continued along the road.

"And besides..." Johnny kept talking. "It seems like the only reason we were gathered here in this race across the continent was to seek out the corpse parts. I'm sure the President won't hesitate to hunt us down. The only thing he has left to do is dispose of us. Although..." He turned to you. "He still wants you alive, right? For whatever sick fantasies he's conjured up. Do you know why he's... interested in you?"

"He and the (Y/N) from this universe had a thing going on with each other." You explained. "But she... died... It would have been a few months ago at this point, around the time I was brought here. That's part of the reason this universe was chosen. Apparently bad things can happen when alternate versions of people meet. Though I guess that rule doesn't apply to Valentine. Anyway," You felt you were getting off track. "I think he wants me to replace her."

"When you meet with him again, maybe you could locate the corpse parts? Or if you do what he wants, maybe he'll give them to you?" Johnny immediately shook his head. "Never mind! Forget I asked anything!" He really wanted the corpse parts, but not enough to make you do something like that.

"Yeah... um... I'd really rather not have to actually sleep with him. But if things go as planned, I might have a chance to kill him tonight." From what Valentine had said the day before, you assumed he had already gotten something for you. Once you got your hands on that, the next step of the plan you had made with Wamuu however many days ago, would be to kill him.

"Ah, but what if the corpse is hidden somewhere only he knows?" Johnny would rather not have the corpse pieces sealed away from him forever. "Just wait for a time when we all get to fight him together."

"Guys, guys..." Gyro waved his hands through the air as he joined back into the conversation. "I honestly just think finishing this race in one piece is a decent prize of its own. The President didn't finish us off back in Gettysburg. He didn't even wound us. Which means we have another chance. We haven't been forsaken yet. Look." He gave you a pat on the back. "Luck is on our side. Take a look at the ranking chart."

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