Dinner Date

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You read through the paper in your hands a few more times, adding a few words here and there.

Several weeks had passed. Bruno was still staying at your place, but the rest of the Italians had long since left.

"What do you think of this?" You handed the paper over to Bucciarati. "Would that be good enough for Giorno?"

Bruno skimmed the page's contents. "So, basically, Dio would be unable to do anything that will directly or indirectly cause harm to anyone you care about. He's also not allowed to damage any of your things. And until you allow otherwise, he can have up to an hour of Stand time each week?" He passed the page back to you. "It seems reasonable enough to me. I doubt Giorno would complain, and I assume you don't really care what Dio thinks."

"He should feel lucky to get any time at all." You took a picture of the paper and texted it to Giorno. After a few minutes he replied. "Okay, he's cool with it. We'll just need Rohan to come over and write all of this into Dio. I'll just tell Rohan that reading through Dio's life counts as his payment. He'll probably be satisfied with that."

"I can call him for you, (Y/N)." Volunteered Santana, so you wouldn't have to. He scooted the bowl of batter over to Emporio so the kid could keep stirring in his stead.

"How about you add that Dio will suffer torment for eternity should he ever break the rules?" Kars hovered over your shoulder. He still seemed displeased, but as long as Dio only got an hour, he wouldn't complain much.

"The point is that he wouldn't be able to break the rules in the first place." You touched your pen to the paper. "Though I suppose if he does find a way it wouldn't hurt to have that there, too."

"Oh." Emporio looked over at you, flour coating his small apron that matched with Santana's. "What time are Jolyne and Hermès coming over?"

There was a knock at the door.

"Unless Rohan was waiting outside my door this whole time," You wouldn't really even be that surprised if he was, "that's probably them."

Bruno opened the door for them.

The pair walked in together, Hermès hand draped around Jolyne's waist. "We didn't know if you wanted us to bring anything, so we just brought some chips."

"Thanks. You can just put them on the kitchen table. Dinner's ready, but they're working on a cake right now. Feel free to make yourselves at home, though."

Jolyne let out a small laugh as she looked around the room. "Wow, it really has been a while since I've been here. A whole ten years..." She wandered over to the dining room table.

"Well, how are things going at your restaurant, Hermès?" Inquired Bruno. "Passione has done a fair job of getting rid of any gang activity in that area, so I hope you haven't been worried about that."

"Things are still a bit slow, but it's to be expected. Everyone's reviews have been good so far though. It just takes time for word to spread." Hermès stepped into the kitchen and opened up the fridge. She took out a can of soda and popped it open. "But what we should really be talking about is Ms. Cujoh over here." The Costello gave Jolyne's shoulder a pat. "I still can't believe she got accepted into that aeronautical university."

You opened up the oven as Santana placed in the cake tin. "That's right. Over the phone yesterday you said you were interested in becoming an astronaut, right?"

"Well, I was just thinking 'fuck gravity,' you know? It was Pucci's whole shtick and I would prefer to just be away from it for a while. Besides, space is just cool in general." Jolyne took a seat at the table and started leaning back in her chair. "And I looked pretty cool in that cloud space suit Weather Report made, dontcha think?"

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