Diced Up Human

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You were sitting on the couch between Santana and Bruno. Emporio was sitting on the Pillar Man's lap. Secco was laying down on the floor at your feet. The rest of the living room was occupied by the other Italians, so there wasn't a lot of space left to sit down. Risotto, Prosciutto, and Formaggio were out at the moment in order to securely hand Anasui over to SPW foundation. For now he'd be locked away in the Stand prison.

Upon arriving back in your own home, you had taken a quick shower and changed into some of your own clothes.

Bruno set his mug of hot chocolate on top of a coaster on the living room table. "So you're saying Anasui had altered his appearance and pretended to be me? I knew he could rearrange his body, but to that extent?"

You let out a dry laugh, "Yeah... he would change his body all the time in order to sneak into the female sector of prison."

"Smart..." Mumbled Melone to himself.

"You should've contacted us instead of La Squadra, though, Narancia. We were already in town." Abbacchio had already broken into your wine cabinet and poured himself a glass. He needed the drink after hearing what had happened.

Narancia buried his head in his hands. "I know! I meant to, but I didn't realize that I clicked on the wrong person!"

"You always did need more work on your reading..." Commented Fugo. Perhaps he should've focused more on that instead of math.

"I mean, as long as (Y/N) got out of there, it doesn't really matter who he messaged, right?" Mista was cleaning out his gun while the Sex Pistols devoured a sandwich he had made.

Ghiacchio's face was set in a scowl, "And why is it a bad thing he contacted us anyway?" It was starting to piss him off.

Giorno stood up, clearing his throat. "Well, I suppose we should get started on what we, or at least I, came here for."

Pesci raised his hand, nervous to speak up against Passione's leader. "Are you sure that's a good idea? (Y/N) only just got back..."

Doppio nodded along, hugging Coco Jumbo to his chest. "Yeah, wouldn't it be better to just hold off on that for now?"

You gave a small smile, appreciating the concern. "I'm fine. Don't worry guys." You turned to the Giovanna. "If you're ready to see your father again, Giorno, we can do that now."

Bruno put a hand on your shoulder, a worried expression still on his face, "Are you sure you want to do this now?"

You gave his hand a squeeze, hoping to reassure him. "Yes, I'm sure. Although..." You looked around to the others. "I wasn't really expecting there to be a big crowd while we did this. We might be in there for a while."

"Oh. Yeah. I guess so." Fugo propped up his chin. "It would be rather strange for us to all just wait in your own home when you aren't even here."

"Hey!" Mista thought up a great idea. "Why don't we go to that Tonio restaurant that (Y/N) is always talking about!"

"Food! Food!" Cheered the Sex Pistols.

Abbacchio checked his phone. "It's 11 pm." Which meant it was 4 pm in Italy. They hadn't had lunch yet. "Would the restaurant even be open?"

"The place is always busy so it usually stays open until 12." Piped in Santana. "I can check in ahead with him to reserve us a spot, though."

"Uh... so... how are we gonna do this?" Narancia started taking off his tank top. He unzipped his stomach.

"Sticky Fingers!" Bruno brought out his Stand. "I guess we'll just see how this goes."

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