New Species

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"A disc! There's a disc inside its head!" Pointed out Hermès. There were, in fact, two of them sticking out of the plankton. "What's going on?!"

The Stand shambled on toward you, pieces of skin sliding off with each step. "The disc that Whitesnake gave me... this ability and intellect... I will protect myself, no matter what. And somehow, you knew the exact location of the other discs! My mission is to destroy anyone who approaches the discs in the warehouse. That is how my debt will be repaid!"

"Fuck!!" Exclaimed the Costello, more worried than before, "Are you sure this thing doesn't have a human controlling it?! Let's run around it toward the fields!" She figured getting some distance would be the safest bet.

"Yeah, it is its own user." Affirmed Jolyne. "But I don't think we should run into the fields."

"I agree." Kars glanced back at the water behind your little group, "This organism was multiplying at an incredibly fast rate while in the water, but it requires a vessel to move around on land. So if we can stop it from replenishing it's water supply, getting the discs from the warehouse shouldn't be an issue."

"Also," You decided to address Hermès human Stand user argument, "I know that neither you nor Jolyne have met a lot of Stands, but it isn't that uncommon for things besides humans to be Stand users. There's been a turtle, a spider, and a cat among other things."

"The cat's technically a plant now, too." Added Kars. "A Stand can even sometimes live on after their users die. So sentient plankton isn't really that impossible. Although, I'd be curious to learn more about it."

"Foo Fighters! If you're going to refer to me, call me by that name!" F.F. was tired of being called 'it' and 'plankton' all the time.

"Okay, Foo Fighters." Kars was admittedly intrigued by the growth the organism had gone through. No doubt thanks to the disc it was given, the plankton had become capable of such complex thought. He could hardly even refer to it as a Stand, it was practically a new species at this point. It would be a shame to end its existence so prematurely. "Are you only protecting the discs because you feel like you owe Whitesnake? Surely there are better things you'd like to do with your intellect?"

You looked up at Kars. Did he want to keep Foo Fighters alive? If so, you didn't mind trying to convince it. "Yeah! You don't have to spend all of your existence working under Whitesnake... Foo Fighters...?" You weren't sure if it was even listening to you as it started dashing toward the warehouse. "Shit... I guess it's trying to get the discs before we can. Sorry, Kars. I'm not sure how plausible it'd be to keep it alive."

The Ultimate Being pulled you into a side hug, "Don't worry about it, (Y/N). While I would like to see how such an organism further develops, that only comes second to the safety of you and those you care about." He planted a kiss on the side of your head, "And I appreciate the effort all the same."

"Uh... I don't think now's the time for that." Hermès didn't exactly appreciate your Stand acting all lovey dovey during a moment of crisis. Practically everyone's lives were still very much in danger. "Things are looking pretty bad on this side, too.  One of them in the water is about to grab the guard's body! We've got these stupid cuffs on and it knows the safety range is fifty meters! It's gonna try and kill us and simultaneously guard the disc!"

Jolyne surveyed the situation, "I get it. But killing us is only its second priority. Primarily it wants to protect the discs. So it must be planning to take the discs from the tractor and hide them somewhere else! If it buried those discs somewhere, it'd be impossible to find them again!"

"B-But the handcuff problem should be our top priority! We have to give up the discs!" Hermès didn't want to die for some discs she barely knew anything about.

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