Take Me Back

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Lucy sniffled and nodded her head. She unwrapped the cloth in her arms. "I brought a corpse part... the spine! And Mountain Tim..." She couldn't hold it back anymore. The tears streamed freely down her face. "They... They probably killed him!"

"Oh..." You had barely known him, but he had seemed decent enough. You wondered who had killed him.

"That can't be!" Johnny almost didn't believe it.

"I found a message tied to a carrier pigeon, and then all this happened!" Lucy continued with her explanation. "The President doesn't know yet! But it's only a matter of time! If the President finds out about this... My husband was just being used! He'll dispose of both of us! Please help me! You three are the only ones who can! That's why I brought the corpse part to you!"

"Hey, hey, wait a second!" Gyro scanned the surrounding area, seeing nothing but grass. "What the hell did you do back in Kansas City? And you better be damn sure that no one's followed you here!"

"That's not possible..." Lucy was sure she had shot the guy pursuing her. "No, there's no way... That's impossible!" It was then she noticed the holes in her arm caused by the rain droplets and let out a scream. "I-It can't be!"

Johnny stayed still as he talked to the rest of you. "You can't see the stars in this weather, but towards the direction of the Ursa Major, the sound of the rain changed."

"Yare yare daze."

You and Gyro stared at each other for a second, surprised to have said the same thing. But the lot of you immediately went into attack mode. You and Gyro with your steel balls and Johnny with his fingernails.

Everything ricocheted off the rain drops surround the enemy. Moving your arms to attack had also caused the frozen droplets to tear holes cleanly through. Actually, moving in general seemed to put you all at risk of only being injured more.

"They're not moving, and they're impossibly sharp!" Spoke Johnny, being careful not to move too much.

Blackmore walked along the rain drops, stopping a foot above the fourteen-year-old girl. "Lucy Steel. What you've done is equivalent to Eve taking the apple. Now, let me have that back. He has chosen to rest on this continent to resurrect himself in this new world! And you must repent! What you have done is evil! Your existence is sin! I must dispose of you!" He placed his heel on Lucy's neck, pushing her back against the frozen rain droplets.

And then everything froze.

Dio had his arms crossed over his chest as he observed the battlefield. "After all that talk, you're asking for my help already?"

"Dio, I swear, if you're gonna act like this, I will actually destroy your scarf and leave its bits and pieces in this universe when I'm able to return back home. And then you'll really never be able to see your sons again." You let out a long sigh. "I never should've let the others convince me to bring you out. They clearly didn't understand."

"Hey, (Y/N), let's not be hasty here." He put his hands on your shoulders. "It was just a little joke. You don't need to take it so seriously." You didn't seem pleased by the response. Dio floated a step back. "Okay, maybe I'll tone it down a notch." He poked at the rain drops. "Huh... are they usually this sharp when I freeze time?"

"No. That's because of the enemy's Stand. He's controlling rain in some capacity. He freezes it in place and makes it razor sharp." You pointed to your holey arm to show what you meant.

"Okay... I see..." He flicked at a raindrop, making it bounce off a few of the others before it froze again. Then he floated over to Blackmore. "But what exactly do you need me to do to him? He already seems like he's half dead. There's several bullet holes in him." He inspected the wounds a little closer. "Oh. I guess he's using the rain to stop them from bleeding out."

The Ludicrous Escapade Pt.3Where stories live. Discover now